[Chapter 2] Hi Hoseok...

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Jimin POV

"Park Jimin! My name is Park Jimin" the lady behind the counter type my name into the system and with a click print out a paper for me.

She lay the paper on the desk and point at the lines "This is his room, show them this. It includes your visitor ID. There is also a schedule over all planned operations. Read it when you have time"

I nod and thank her. Taking the paper before running up the stair to the 4th floor.

I am out of breath as I get to the right part of the hospital. I run faster even though my body can't take it. I read the numbers on the doors while running.



I stopped and stared at the black number on the door, room 47a. Hoseok is behind that door in this moment.

My heart skip a beat as I slowly approach the hospital door, begging that Hoseok is still alive on the other side.

It all hit me, what if Hoseok is not alive? He could be long gone! I could have lost him.

I slightly knock on the door. only a few seconds pass before a man is standing in front of me in the doorway. Holding a book that could only belong to Hoseok.

"Hi my name is Jimin, Park Jimin. I got this ID and they told me that I am allowed to be kept updated on him" I try to keep myself together.

"Mr. Park! We have been awaiting you. Mr Jung have chosen you as the contact person in his files, there was no parents to be found, do you know them by any chance?"

"No parents, only me. I am his friend (wish boyfriend*)"

"We looked at his files, Mr. Jung have been here a lot ever since his childhood. He was quit a clumsy child and would always get himself in positions where he needed a doctor" he smile at the memories of the boy that would run through the Hopital, playing some game only he knew the rules for.

"He is still clumsy to this day"

"No surprise there" he smile. Not a happy smile. However, a sad one, one with many memories behind it.

"How is he holding up?" I ask, breaking the heavy silence between us "He is stable, however... we cant wake him up. We put him in a coma, hoping he will come out alive"

I nod, trying my best to hold back the tears "Do you think he will make it?" my voice is shaky and unclear.

"I hope he will" he look back at the fragile, bruised boy in the hospital bed "He is holding on better than we could have hoped. He is a fighter" he put a hand on my shoulder "We will help him through this"

I nod, taking deep breaths "Can I see him?" the doctor respond with a smile and step aside.

I stop beside the bed and take Hoseok's hand 

"Hi Hoseok" I whisper to the boy.

"I have missed you"

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