[Chapter 16] My way...

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Jimin POV.

Skin against skin.

It's like a song, you can't create it with only one piece, you need multiple.

Our bodies are moving to the same rhythm. Harshly, but surely wanting the same result in this very accruing moment.

His hand on my bare skin, beneath my shirt. Only wanting more than to just touch. He lounge to see, see what is below the thin fabric on my upper body.

His breathes getting heavier against the skin on my neck.

My own hands ripping on his shirt, trying my best to stay sane in this moment, feel every part of it come to life right now, right here.

This is a dream. A dream I never thought I would live to see, feel and touch.

His hands sliding my shirt over my head, as his lips whisper sweet nothings. Words getting more and more distant in the perfect daze we are in.

He run his hands down my chest and stomach, grabbing my hips and pulling me further back on the bed, only to get on top of me.

His hands tighten on my hips.

His movements getting forceful.

He grind his body against mine, to a song only we can hear. The song is clear and perfect in my head, I only catch a few glimpse of his face, but I think he can hear it too.

He stop at my pants and look up at me, his façade dropping to the ground as his eyes ask me for permission.

I nod and caress his cheek. Pink and red shades decorating his perfect face.

He unzip my pants and help me slide them off, the atmosphere getting easier with the laughter that run through the air.

He proceed to get back on top of me and place a loving kiss on my lips, locking them toghter once more.

I pant and hold him a few inches away from my body, I search for his eyes, happy when they finally meet mine. His eyes are soft and warm.

I caress his cheek once before placing my hand on his cheek.

"Don't panic okay; I will take off your shirt and pants. The rest can wait until you are ready" Hoseok nod and get off me.

He stand on the floor, looking a little like a lost child.

As I stand up in front of him, he kick off his shoes and socks, leaving the rest on for me to take off.

I nod once before slowly taken a hold on the bottom edge of his shirt, pulling it up over his head, revealing his naked chest beneath it.

I place a soft kiss on his collarbones. I can feel him shiver under my touch, his body clearly not knowing what to do right now.

I run my hands down his back to get a hold on his jeans; I let my lips caress down his neck "Don't be scared, I don't want to hurt you"

"I know" he whisper and direct my hands towards the front of his jeans, letting me unzip them.

I help him get off his jeans and take a step back to admire what is mine, from his cute feet to his perfect legs, moving on to the parts I have only ever dreamt about in my most sinful moments. Of course, I can't leave out his in my opinion perfect torso and chest.

His shoulders are broad and kiss able. His neck leading to his well-sculpted face, his too long black hair falling into his face. I remember how he told me he wanted to cut it, but I like it like this.

I lean in and place my lips on his, waiting for him to respond.

Hoseok respond to my kiss after just a few second, he start leading me backwards, pushing me lightly back on the bed.

I bounce on the madras, the bouncing only meeting an end when he get on top of me once again, kissing my lips with a passion.

I can feel his body start to shiver slightly as his hands slide down and start playing with the hem of my underwear.

I disconnect our lips only to whisper a few words "It's okay Hobi" he get a little more confident and manage to slide down my underwear, leaving me naked beneath him.

He lead my hands down to take his off, it's his way of telling me that he is ready. I carefully take off his underwear, trying to catch his body language as I do so.

We look down at each other and take in every detail. His body is beautiful and I finally got the full picture.

He reach for the drawer and get the lube, his hands a little shaky. I kiss down his neck and collarbones while he get the lube out on his fingers.

I spread my legs. He lift and eyebrow at me "You can do better" I make a weird face. What is that supposed to mean? Am I not good enough?

Before I get to say anything, he grab my legs and pull them up on his shoulder, exposing what he was searching for to the fullest.

"I know you are stretchy" he wink and add the first finger, my body shivering under the action.

I missed this feeling; it has been years since I last was in bed with anyone. I still can't believe this is actually happening, I am still thinking I will wake up any moment now.

He get a good pace going and add the second finger. It hurts slightly but I just bite my lip and smile as I hear him chuckle.

He doesn't warn me before adding the third finger. I bite down a little too hard on my lips, instead of complaining all that leave my lips is a moan.

He add a fourth to be sure and pull out after we both agree that it should be enough.

He take a deep breathe before adjusting himself behind me, he bite his lip and decide to just start.

He enter me slowly and try to find the right pace, the slowly pace makes my moan softly despite me trying to hold it back.

Why am I such an easy moaner all of the sudden?

He manage to make a faster pace and lean up against my body, his hands grabbing on each of my ass cheeks before finding their way to my face.

My body is aching with pleasure as the pain I once felt fade away.

He kiss down my neck, leaving a few kisses on my lips once in a while.

I think he likes hearing me moan, because whenever I could feel one coming he would pull away and suck on the soft spot on my neck.

As much as I want this to never end, I know we don't have much longer. I can feel myself almost hit my climax, Hoseok being a lot closer than me.

I allow him to cum in me instead of pulling out. He was the first to hit his climax.

Despite him being what you could call done, he keep going to help me hit my climax as well, he hold onto my dick and touch it lightly until I manage to cum as well.

Hoseok pull out and clean both me and him up, making sure I am safe and sound.

"That was... amazing" I pant and look at the boy beside me, smiling at the beautiful human I call my boyfriend.

"You are amazing" he laugh and turn over on the bed, laying his head on my chest.

I wrap the blanket around us and kiss the top of his head "Goodnight Hobi" I can feel his breathe slowly as he mumble a soft goodnight in return.

I am pretty sure we can call this night a success. 


My first time writing smut....

I guess it is okay and i hope its not too cliche

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