[Chapter 12] Just one day...

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Jimin POV


"Can I Look now?" I complain, trying to peek through Hoseok's hands that is covering my eyes.

"Wait a second you impatient midget!" I elbow him in the stomach as he call me a midget, he have done this too many times and manage to dodge the elbow.

"Stop hurting my perfect body!" He screams and laugh.

I start laughing as I hear his wonderful laugh; it always brings me joy, in a way I just can't explain.

"Whatever you say Hoseokie" I laugh and lightly lean my body back to puff his, shivers running down my spines as my body come in contact with Hoseok's chest.

"HEY! Are you saying my body aren't perfect?" Hoseok acts offend, I can hear it in his voice. He do this way too often, so I have a clear image in my head of how his face looks right now. Yoongi named the face J-Nope.

He said he gave the face that name because Hoseok's last name is Jung and Jung nope sounded stupid, so J-Nope it is.

"Of course not, just haven't seen all of it, so who am I to judge" I shrug and let a slight smirk decorate my lips.

"Let's not discuss our sex life right now!" he cut me off and I can feel his body getting tense, something about that topic always made him so uncomfortable.

Hoseok and I have never "Done it" simply because every time I bring it up, Hoseok end up changing the subject or tell me he had to do something in that moment.

We have make out session, he is an amazing kisser and always know how to treat my body just right, and he is such a damn tease. Every time I think we are finally going to do it and I reach for his shirt trying to remove it, he pull away and excuse it with the fact that he is tired.

Hoseok is never shirtless in front of me, not even after he gets out of the shower. He always come out of the bathroom fully clothed. I wonder why he is so secretive about his body.

"What sex life?" I whisper making sure, he can't hear me.

He continue leading me towards the still unknown location. He is humming along to a song in his head. It is calming my nerves to hear his sweet voice behind me.

"Are you ready ChimChim?" he whisper in my ear, his lips caressing my ear and the left side of my face.

"Yes!" I smile and prepare myself for the sharp light. His hands caress my neck as he remove the blindfold from my eyes. I am blind for a second before my eyes adjust to the light.

We are standing in front of a big house with a lovely garden; I turn around to look at Hoseok, his face in a bright expression "What is this? Is this your parent's old house? Or some family member, did you arrange something? Because I didn't...." Hoseok cut me off by pressing his lips against mine.

He pull away and smile at my confused face "It's our home" he smile and cup my face with his hands.

"Wait what?" my eyes widen and he laugh "Hoseok you didn't" I remove my face from his hands and look back at the house.

"It must have cost a fortune! You dumb idiot" I hit him, maybe a bit harder than intended.

"You hit hard even though you are a midget" he laugh and cross his arms in front of his body already knowing what is coming.

I hit him once "I!" I scream and hit him again "AM!" my fist once again meet his body "NOT!" One more hit "A!" contact again "MIDGET" the last fist hits his shoulder that he was too slow to protect.

"Why does Jimin fighting you look like a Chihuahua fighting an elephant" I turn around to look at the owner of the voice.

Yoongi is standing leaning against the doorframe. He smirk as his eyes meet mine and walk towards us with lazy steps.

"I AM NOT THAT SMALL" I complain and look at Hoseok hoping he will agree for once. Hoseok is laughing as I turn around and his face turn serious as he catch that I am looking at him.

I cross my arms in front of my chest and lift one eyebrow. He chough once "Of course baby! You are... average height?"

"Nicely saved" Yoongi laugh and pat his shoulder "You height is adorable!" he exclaim and open his eyes wide in panic, not knowing what to say.

I shake my head and grin "Whatever" I chuckle and turn my back on him.

I walk towards the house wanting to go on a small adventure, as I stand on the front step two arms is being wrapped around my waist.

I open the door and get ready to walk inside, Hoseok is not agreeing on my plan and swipe me off my feet, carrying me bridal style.

I make a shocked voice as he carry me into the house. I wrap my arms around his neck not wanting him to drop me by accident.

"I will leave before the porn starts, as much as I like porn, I don't want to see one with my friends as the main stars! Goodbye suckers" he says from the doorway ad turn on his heel.

Yoongi's words left Hoseok with a rather uncomfortable face.

"Sorry about him" Hoseok excuse and dump me back onto my feet. I shrug it off and wrap my arm around his waist.

I am sure that this is not the time to bring up our non-existing sex life. Hoseok might not be ready for it yet, even though today is our 6 months anniversary.

Hoseok quickly shake off the uncomfortable feeling and engulf me in a tight embrace "Happy 6 months anniversary Chimmy" I can feel his lips curl into a smile.

"You too... But Hoseok, can I ask you something?" he let go of me and look into my arms, trying to read my facial expression.

Hoseok had told me just 2 months ago that he cant read body language. He was abused as a kid and might have some trauma that makes it hard for him to do everyday things, along with him not being able to read body language.

He is really sensitive to change as well, which is also one of the reasons I am surprised that he bought us a new house, in a new city.

"I sold some of my paintings, apparently those are worth a lot of money" he laugh, his lips turning into a soft heart shape.

"Are you sure you can do this?" I ask, a little worried that he won't be ready for this big change. I let one hand caress his cheek.

"What do you mean?" he is still smiling, but he is no longer showing his teeth, the smile is small and holds a lot of worry upon it.

"I know how you feel about changes, this is a new city, a new house... and you will have to live with me" I look down, not wanting to see his smile fade.

"Yes Chimmy, I know I am ready" he put a hand under my chin and bring my face closer to his, he share a smile with me before I bring my lips on his heart shaped smile.

His lips are soft and taste like strawberries, because of his lip balm. His smiling lips close together on mine and embrace them with warmth.

He is making my body shiver.

I really want to take him now, break the last distance between us, however I know that if my hands come anywhere near the edge of his shirt he will let go of me.

I want this moment to last, so I hold back my hunger and simply wrap my arms around his neck.

I don't know how much longer I can hold back...

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