[Chapter 6] 3 days...

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Jimin POV

I can feel a warm hand on my shoulder as my eyes slowly open "Mr Park?" a woman voice says beside me.

"Hm" I mumble, trying to focus on the woman in front of me "You know you can't sleep in here, but I won't tell the boss" she laugh slightly and help me onto my feet.

"I am sorry Mina" I rub my eyes and form a tired smile.

"It's okay Jimin" she start checking Hoseok's pulse and change the liquid that is running through his body.

"I heard you sing for him yesterday, it was beautiful" I turn around in shock "Did anyone else hear it?" she laugh and finish what she is doing "No one but me heard"

I breathe out heavily. I didn't even realize I had been holding my breath. I was so scared of being kicked out.

"I have very good news for you" she almost scream in excitement.

"What is it?" I jump closer to her and try to look at the notebook in her hands. She close the notebook and look at me with joy in her eyes.

"Hoseok is finally starting to make signs of waking up, his body is fighting back! We will be able to remove the machines in 3 days and wake him up again"

My heart starts beating faster and I scream in happiness and wrap my arms around her. Holding on tightly as I start crying.

"Jimin you are going to choke me" she mange to say even though her body was almost caught from getting any air at all.

I let go off her and back away "Sorry, I got a little too excited!" she rub her neck and send me a bright smile "I understand"

"It's actually my birthday in 3 days" I look down at my feet, remembering that I will turn 20 soon.

"Hoseok will be there, I promise he will" she put an arm around my shoulder and pull me into a quick hug.

"I have to go now, and you should start on that song! Your friends arrived with your stuff, they will be up any minute" she turn around on her heel and wave over her head as she leave.

"JIMIN!" a man tackle me onto the floor and I can feel his smile on my neck.

"He is going to wake up! So soon!" I laugh softly and try to get us up from the floor "I know Yoongi! Now get off me!" I manage to get the older male off me, even though he put up a fight.

"Yoongi give the poor man a break!" Taehyung laugh and place the suitcases with me stuff on the floor "You could have helped me carry that you know?" Yoongi look back him and slowly shake his head.

"Do you need help putting this in place?" Taehyung suggest, I shrug my shoulders "Perhaps. Would be lovely if you wanted to"


"And it's now one the worldwide web!" Taehyung cheer as he are sitting by the big hospital window.

The sun has almost gone down and I count down the days in my head. In a few hours, there would only be 2 days left.

Two days until I can finally see him again.

Taehyung put the laptop back in his bag and lean against the wall once again, letting a silence fall between us.

We are sitting in the widow. It is made like some kind of couch and I enjoyed sitting here watching the sun go down.

"I can't believe it's been more than a month" Taehyung whisper softly. His raspy voice making the words sound so damn calming in my ears.

"Neither can I" I hum back. I keep my eyes on the orange sun that will be gone in just a few more minutes.

"I never really got to meet him, the first time I saw him was here, in the hospital... what is he like?" Taehyung say a little louder.

"He is kind, wholesome, caring and sweet like no other. He can always make you laugh if you feel down. His eyes light up when he sing and he loves company. He is scared of being alone and being forgotten"

I smile and chuckle softly as all the memories of the older male came back into my memories. I let a few scenes play in my head.

"He sounds like a good guy" Taehyung breathe out while forming the sentence, making it soft and calming once again.

I look over at the boy in the bed "He really is" my eyes finally meet Taehyungs and I can't help but notice the soft smile playing on the boy's face.

Our eyes talk for themselves. We don't need to share anymore words.

Taehyung wasn't going to leave me the next days. He didn't want me to be alone.

On the day of my birthday I would get the best gift I had ever gotten in my life. Hoseok would come back! I wouldn't be alone anymore.

After another 15 minutes in pure silence, the sun has gone and have been replaced by the moon. I hear a slight sound before feeling the heat of Taehyung pressing against my body.

I wrap my one arm around him, allowing him to lay on my chest.

He make a satisfied noise as I feel his breathing getting steady underneath my hand.

"Goodnight Taehyung" I run a hand through his hair. Watching him smile under my touch.

I smile as I once again turn my attention to the moon.

"Goodnight Hoseok, I will see you soon" I whisper into the night. 


wup wup! we are there soon! heck yeah boiiiii

However..... Things could go wrong >:)

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