[Chapter 20] Happy ever after...

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When I arrived that day, I never thought that exactly that day would be my wedding day.

Everything seemed so unrealistic, from the fancy suits, to the arranged aisle on the roof, most of it looked like a traditional wedding.

Until the boys of course decided to bring out the big guns, and by that I don't mean an actual gun. The boys had painted the bible in rainbow colours while Yoongi was dressed in a traditional preast dress with a rainbow flag around his shoulders.

Jungkook and Taehyung kept fighting about who should be the flower girl, which ended up being both of them, seeing my two friends in tutu skirts weren't really what I expected from my wedding day.

Jin ended up being Hoseok's best man and Namjoon was mine, the two boys very proud of their roles.

Even my mother decided to show up, telling me that she was proud of me. She had loved Hoseok since she met him and had been supportive of us since we got together.

Even Yeontan showed up, Taehyung had dressed him in a little suit with a pink tutu skirt. It was funny to see him run around throughout the entire thing.

It was a beautiful day. My mom walked me down the aisle and Tae had of course put a veil on me before we started.

I remember Yoongi waiting for me to get to Hoseok, a smile on his face. How when I looked at Hoseok I couldn't think of anything better to do, I knew I wanted to marry him.

Even though we couldn't make it official because of the law, I didn't care. My friends made all of this happen, just so we could be happy.

We did arrange a trip to Germany to get married. I didn't see that short ceremony as our wedding. It was unfamiliar and just to get the title in place. My mind was on the night of my birthday all along.

I love all the small things we shared and our wedding is printed in my brain to never fade.

I guess that no matter who you are, you can find happiness in this world.

When the son of a happy poor boy from Busan can fall in love with, the depressed rich boy from Gwangju. Then I believe almost everything can happen.

He cured my everlasting loneliness and I showed him that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, and yes that harry potter quote was much intended.

Be the light in someone's life and don't forget to love.

Find your own happy ever after.

Thank you for following me as I found mine.  

Yours Truely

- Park Jimin

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