[Chapter 3] Fairytales...

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A/N Reupload cause chapter got deleted by wattpad...

Author POV

The darkness had claimed the last hours of the day once more. The hospital was summing with a quite atmosphere, as Hoseok was the only patient who was in a coma.

The wing Hoseok had been put in just a week ago had been put in a deep sleep. No one was there.

A boy in a deep sleep only filled out the quite night at the dark hospital wing. Even though that didn't last long.

In the darkness of the night, a blond boy found his way into the sleeping beauty. The darkness was a friend of his, which meant he easily got to the boys room.

A large window cast a bright light on the boy who is being held alive by machines. Right now his heart wouldn't be able to beat without it.

He sneak into the light and take in every inch on the boys face, caressing the olders jawline, trying to remember how the sound of his voice was again. How his laughter sounded.

He sat down next to him, breathing in slowly, ignoring the tear that is rolling down his face.

He should have told him back then, when he had the chance. Now Hoseok was on the edge of the cliff again only hanging on to it with one hand. He didn't want him to fall.

The boy let the tears fall as he whisper to the boy with a raspy voice "Have you ever been in love? Hoseok" caressing the boys face once more.

He lay one hand on the older male's heart, feeling it beat against the palm of his hand "I always wanted a love like in the fairy tales" Jimin smile through the tears.

"I wanted something perfect!" he admit. His hand turn into a fist "I have been casing that all my life! Then you came around! I have never..." the boy stop and take a deep breath.

"I have never loved anyone like I love you" his voice is shaky.

"When I was a child" the boy began, not taking his eyes of the comatose man in front of him "My mom would tell me stories, every night! Just to help me sleep"

He bite his lips and taste the salt from his tears "Maybe you miss a story too once in a while. It's been a week Hoseok, a whole damn week! I didn't hope we would end up here. However, this time, I brought a story with me"

He take a lock of the boys hair between his fingers and twist it softly. Being alone with the boy was all he ever wished to be. Just not like this.

"There once was a boy" Jimin start, and merge his fingers with the older male.

He was not strong nor special in any kind of way. He had didn't believe in love or a happy ending, because no one had ever shown him that they existed.

One day, he met a very special person, with a smile brighter than the sun itself! He could feel himself falling for him, even though he denied it every day.

The boy he had fallen for hated him, with his guts. The boy didn't know why he hated him. He didn't know that the male was scared of change, and he had ruined what the male saw as a safe place.

As much as the boy wanted to, he couldn't befriend him. Even though his thought were only ever him. He called him his strawberry boy. The forbidden fruit from god.

He would look after the boy every day! Wishing that one day, he would let him in.

After months, he finally got the chance. The forbidden fruit was starting to rotten, but the boy wouldn't let that happen. He took him in, and cared for him. Until the fruit was again at bloom.

Making the fruit bloom into a beautiful tree!

He cared for the tree always! In addition, he promised himself to never stop. He promised to keep the tree in full bloom forever and ever.

A tear roll down his face, the soft moon light embracing the tear. The night would keep the story. Keep it a secret.

Jimin lean in and kiss the red haired males forehead "I promise to keep you from falling, I promise to keep you alive. Death won't make us part just yet"


I had to reupload it! wattpad why are you deleting my things? 

ack i am sorry guys! i am really mad at this tbh! 

have this again as an excuse! ack i am sorry wattpad is being rude!

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have this again as an excuse! ack i am sorry wattpad is being rude!

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