[Chapter 10] Strawberries...

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A/N Jimin look hungrily at Hoseok is my religion ;) 


Jimin POV

Hoseok release me from his grip and slowly get back on his seat. Not looking at me once.

"Sorry" he mumble and bite down on his bottom lip "I shouldn't have done that" he look down blankly at the table below his fiddling fingers.

"Hoseok" I quack, too scared that I will mess this up "Please..."

"What?" Hoseok respond without looking at me "Listen... Jimin, I know you don't like me that way, I am so sorry I did... that"

"Its not that... I mean... god DAMN IT" I bang my head into the table in anger. Why cant I just tell him? It is so damn stupid.

"Jiminie!" he reach out and help me back in place while trying to take a look at the red mark that is forming on my forehead.

"You can't do that Chim Chim!" he exclaim while sighing. He study my forehead carefully and let a few fingers brush over the bruise.

"Hoseokie?" I finally manage to whisper "Mh" he respond, still fully focused on my forehead.

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Sure" he finally stop what he is doing to look at me. As his eyes meet mine, I decide that there is no time for words.

Before I am able to change my mind, I hurry to remove the space between us once again. Kissing him with a passion like no other.

I slightly lean away from the kiss and cup his face with my sweater paws "I like you" I whisper "Don't tell Hoseok! He might not like me too" I chuckle.

He smile brightly at me and I just sit there admiring his heart smile up close.

"Shut up" he laugh and push me playfully.

"Can I kiss you again?" I ask him in all seriousness. I don't know why I am feeling the need to ask, I guess that even though he just kissed me, I am still not sure he likes me.

"Please" he beg and wrap his arms around my neck.

I place my hands on his waist and bring him closer to me again, using one hand to cup his pink cheek.

I don't want to pressure him just yet, so I let the kiss be simple and loving. I won't take it too far yet.


"Does that mean we are a thing now? Like a couple?" I ask and turn around in his arms to face him.

"Do you want us to be a couple?" he respond with a raised eyebrow, leaving the choice to me.

"Nah... maybe... YES" he laugh at my stupidity and run a hand through my orange hair.

"Let's just not label ourselves just yet" he chuckle and looking at me with warm eyes. What would I also want to label us?

Calling him my boyfriend sounded like an understatement. Special friend sounded like a fuck buddy and calling him my soulmate was maybe too much for him just yet.

The trust is I believe he is my soulmate! We have been through heaven and hell together. I waited for him in a hospital for a full on month.

"What are you thinking about?" Hoseok ask after a moment of silence. He caress my cheek and slowly bring me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing" I make a goofy smile and tighten my grip around his torso.

"Didn't look like nothing" he mumble and let it pass without any further question.

I let my head rest on his chest and listen to the heartbeat that I just a few weeks ago witness gone. I felt blessed to hear it beat still. Healthy and strong.

"Chim?" Hoseok whisper and run a hand down my back. I mumble a silent yes without moving once.

"Have you ever been in love? Jimin" he whisper and my eyes fluster open at the sound of those words. How did he know those words?

"What?" I get up from his chest and hold myself up with a hand on each side of his body, looking into his eyes.

"I remember... I remember the song, the stories... almost everything. I have heard you cry, heard you laugh. Felt your hands in mine. I remember the feeling of your breath against my ear as you fell asleep next to me. I remember"

He knew I was there. I poured my heart out to him every night. The dark room didn't only have two ears. It had four.

"I... don't know what to say"

"You don't have to say anything Jimin! I just wanted to thank you"

"Thank me? For what?" I furrow my eyebrows and he just lightly smile and cup my face.

"Thank you for giving me a reason to live. Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for staying with me through everything. But most important, Thank you for loving me"

I have always been bad with emotions and I don't know why his words touch me as much as they did. A single tear role down my face.

He catch it with his hand and start getting teary himself looking at me cry.

"Don't cry Jimin!" he breathlessly laugh while starting to become a teary mess too.

I am completely falling apart as all the memories hit me once again. I thank god that he is still here, that he is alive and well.

We made it together! We really did. I don't want anything to happen to him ever again.

"I love you" I whisper, feeling the words with every cell in my body, knowing what I am saying is the truth.

"I love you too" he whisper back and pull me closer to him, kissing my forehead once. He manage to move me around so that his lips can meet mine again.

My perfect strawberry boy.

I felt like the universe knew that was what I called him. His red and black hair hadn't been touched since he came out the hospital.

His lips is warm against mine. As I think it won't get any better, I taste something I would never imagine to taste.

My strawberry boy... taste like Strawberries.

Sweet and perfect. 

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