[Chapter 18] Soon...

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Jungkook being quite about their love life for a week, left Hoseok with enough time to actually get a proper conversation with Jungkook about the plans he had in mind for Jimin.

"Saturday night at the roof top in Seoul! I got the reservation confirmed today" Jungkook says and hand Hoseok the papers.

"Will you guys be there?" Jungkook just nod at the question and hand him the numbers off all the people that will attend.

"This is Jimin's birthday! We have to make it special!"

"With your plans that night! Trust me it will be damn special" Jungkook smile and bite his lip thinking about how this could turn out, the younger in secret wished someone would care enough to do that for him.

"I already bought everything I need! Do you think I am going too fast?"

"You two have been together for 5 years Hoseok! Calm down will you? He wants to do this as much as you, I send my loyal spy V undercover"


"Taehyung likes to be called V for some damn reason" Jungkook laugh and scratch the back of his neck, laughing a little to himself.

"What did Jimin say?"

"I can't give you all the details! Stop being so damn nosy damn it! Taehyung said I can't tell anything but the fact that what we have planned now will in fact work! He will love it"

Hoseok huff and cross his arms "You two ae so rude! Why can't I even know what my own boyfriend said about me?"

"Because we said so! It's a secret between Taehyung, Jimin and me! We already told you too much"

Hoseok make some weird unsatisfied noises while furrowing his eyes brows "You didn't even tell me anything!"

"We told you enough!"

"Fuck both of you" Hoseok respond, still not happy about the lack of information the youngers gave him.

"We love you too Hyung! I have to go now" Jungkook says and ruffle his hair.

"Where to?" Hoseok ask a little curious, follow the younger around as he pack his things, ready to leave.

"Taehyung and I are going to have lunch together today, said he had some new things he wanted to talk to me about" Jungkook pack his last dance clothes and close his bag.

"Oh damn! You two are totally going to end up together" Hoseok laugh.

"We are just friends Hyung" Jungkook sigh as he walk out the door.

"Sure thing" Hoseok yell after him while laughing to himself


Short Chapter sorry! I will end this fanfic soon. 

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