[Chapter 19] Happy Birthday...

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"Hoseok what in the hell are you doing?" Jimin ask as he watch him pack a huge glass bowl decorated with small stickers of himself into a body bag.

"Important stuff" Hoseok simply reply and finish packing.

Jimin walk up behind Hoseok and wrap his arms around him, placing a soft kiss against his neck "Who are we killing?"

"Your ass if you aren't careful"

The younger hit his arm carefully, laughing at his dumbfounded boyfriend.

"Now get ready we have to go!"

"So I guess white is off the table if we are going to murder someone"

"You can wear white! The colour of blood is my favourite kind of red and I was really looking for a new white shirt" Hoseok joke, Jimin simply shaking his head while laughing to himself.


Hoseok entertained all the way to the hotel by singing happy birthday over every song that played on the radio.

"We are here" Jimin laugh.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOO YOUUUUUUUUUUU" Hoseok finish on a very squeaky high note, making Jimin cringe before falling off his seat in laughter.

"Ya! I think that is enough now" Jimin turn take the car keys and meet the older outside the car.

They are invited in by the staff that is already informed of the plan and who the special guest is.

Hoseok made some of the staff get the bags in the car, this hotel wasn't an average one, its big and fancy.

Hoseok had been painting none stop at home to get the money to go here, the amount of paintings he had to finish in very little time was unbelievable.

"You must be crazy" Jimin chuckle and take the olders hand.

"What make you say that?" Hoseok says as the spoon he was balancing on his face falls to the ground.

"No specific reason" Jimin laugh and kiss his cheek.

Hoseok lead him to the roof top, where the sun is about to set. Flowers have been spread across the rooftop while candles have been lit as well.

"What is this?" Jimin ask in shock.

"A surprise! Now come with me before anyone or anything ruin this moment" Hoseok's eyes travel carefully to the plant Namjoon is hiding behind.

"You okay?"

"Totally, now come with me" Hoseok chuckle and lead the boy towards the glass fence.

They stand there for a moment while Hoseok gather his words, making sure his tongue won't fail on him now.

"Jimin?" Hoseok stutter slightly, bite his lip.

"Hoseok" the boy smile kindly, caressing his cheek.

"I didn't know when to ask you this, because I realized I will always be scared of telling you, afraid of asking you the question that has been on my mind for 2 years now"

"Do you want a dog or something? Because me too" Jimin smile innocently. Hoseok shake his head and take the boys hand in his.

"I have loved you for so long park Jimin, without you I wouldn't be alive. You saved me so many times and you stayed by my side through hell-"

"Oh my god" Jimin exclaim and cover his mouth.

"What is it?" Hoseok ask a little concerned.

"Did you... I can't believe you are going to ask me... I- I was going to ask you that"

"Ask me what Jimin?"

"I was waiting for the right moment, I have had your ring in my pocket for a month now" Jimin chuckle a little embarrassed "sorry I ruined the moment" Jimin admitted

"You were going to ask me to marry you?"

"Yes..." Jimin blush a deep shade of red as Hoseoks face turn into a bright smile.

"Lets do it together? One word at a time" Hoseok suggest, lifting the others face up to look into his deep brown chocolate eyes.

"Jung Hoseok" Jimin start

"Park Jimin"

"Will" Jimin stutter, getting the ring from his pocket.

"You" Hoseok get the little box up.

"Marry" Jimin blush and open his box.

"Me?" Hoseok finish and open his as well.

"Yes" Jimin exclaim and hug him.

"Yes" Hoseok whisper into the hug.

"FINALLY" Namjoon exclaim as he jump up from his hiding spot, knocking over the plant.

"Oops" Namjoon rub his neck and Jin hit the back of his head.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" everybody scream as they jump out from their hiding.

"You didn't!" Jimin laugh.

"I so did" Hoseok laugh back and wrap an arm around the younger.

"Now who wants to get married?" Yoongi smirk and bring out a bible covered in paint. The boys had painted the bible like a rainbow.

"Tonight?" Jimin ask mouth slightly agape.

"I am ready if you are" Hoseok whisper and kiss his cheek slowly.

"I will always be ready when it comes to you" Jimin smile and connect their lips.

"WE ARE HAVING A WEDDING" Taehyung scream in excitement, jumping up and down.

"We indeed are" Hoseok whisper looking straight into Jimin's eyes, before connecting their lips again. 

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