[Chapter 17] Fight me...

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Jimin POV

"What would you do if the world ended today?" Hoseok rest his head in his hands on the dance room floor.

"Not watch you do another girl group dance, that's for sure" I laugh and push the boy in front of me, his face being in a fake offended decoration.

"Rude! My girl group dances are super sexy! You need to learn to appreciate them!" he huff and start rocking back and forth.

"If you say so" I laugh and pull him down by the collar to steal a kiss.

"You two are disgusting" Jungkook laugh and put down his bag on the dance floor, judging us with his eyes.

"You are just jealous" Hoseok respond and stick out his tongue like a little child, making me giggle softly at his childish manners.

"Oh really?" Jungkook lift a brow in disbelief.

He lick his lips and lift up his pants as he walk closer to Hoseok, making the space between them smaller and smaller, while he narrow his eyes at Hoseok.

"Let's battle on that, if I beat you, you take back what you just said" Jungkook says, trying to dominate Hoseok.

"Girl group dance battle?"

"you know it!"

"What will I get out of this?"

"I will... not comment on you and Jimin being all lovey dovey for a week"

"That's a deal" Hoseok shake his hand.

They battle each other with their eyes before finally taking a step back, leaving me to only role my eyes in disappointment over their childishness.

"Jimin play music!" Hoseok say dramatically before cracking his bones and getting out on the dance floor.

"If Jimin have to be the judge, then he got to judge fairly!" Jungkook pout.

"Judge for what?" Taehyung ask as he walk in with Yoongi right behind him.

"Great 3 judges! That can only be fair" Jungkook lecture and pull Taehyung and Yoongi down next to me.

"What are we-" Taehyung ask me in confusion "Girl group dance battle" I sigh and watch Taehyung shake his head while giggle.

"They never grow up do they?" Yoongi mumble in what other people may see as an annoyed tone, but we know that is just how Yoongi speak.

I start the music.

Russian roulette- Twice.

The boys start dancing coordinated to the song, my eyes trying to capture both dancers every move. I end up making myself rather dizzy.

Boombayah- Black Pink

I am always amassed when I watch Hoseok dance; his movements are ever so perfect and soft.

Jungkook is good, very good actually. However, his movements can't quite compare to Hoseok. I don't blame him really.

Jungkook is the new dance student and Hoseok have been dancing all of his life. He got his skills from his mother, Jungkook on the other hand got movements that is beautiful, only need slight help to make them perfect.

The music stops and the two boys walk to sit down in front of us, as if this was some sort of audition.

"Yoongi would you like to start?" I ask him kindly, the older just shrugging at the request, breathing in and out a few times before finally deciding to respond.

"Well you know I am not the best at dance but, I must say you both do well. But my 'Vote'" he make a sign with his hands to show the usage of vote was stupid "Goes to Hoseok"

Hoseok make a small noise in victory and I can't help but smile at the cuteness of the older male.

Taehyung catch the lead and catch that it is his turn to vote now "well Hoseok you know I love you. But my vote goes to Jungkook, sorry mate"

Hoseok mouth an 'it's okay' and reach out to take Taehyungs hand in his for just a couple of seconds.

"And last, but not least! Jimin" Taehyung represent and make jazz hands towards me.

"As the others said, you both did amazing! I am very proud of both of you; however I am not making this choice because he is my boyfriend, simply because his movements are that much smoother, so my vote goes to Hoseok"

Hoseok Jump to his feet and start dancing around in victory. Quickly running over to yank me off the floor and into his arms.

He hold me tightly and all of the sudden smash his lips against mine, with such a passion I almost fall back again on the floor.

"No Jungkook comments for a week" he giggle happily.

"Better enjoy it then" I smile and pull him back in for a soft but long kiss. I can feel him smile against my lips, the soft taste of strawberries numbing my senses.

"You two are gross" Yoongi huff.

I am too caught up in the moment to even care. 

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