[Chapter 14] Satisfaction...

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A/N WARNING Talk about sex! no smut :) 

Also enjoy that gif ;) ooooff!


3rd Person POV

"You got to be kidding me" Jungkook do the last spin and land it perfectly once again. Flashing a rather uncalled for smile as he pant for air.

"I am not kidding... can we just forget I ever told you?" Hoseok complain and push himself off the floor with his hands, getting back on his feet. He position his feet correctly and look into the mirror, sighing at Jungkooks judging expression.

"Heck to the no Hoseok! I won't just forget! I am going to help you" Jungkook fall down on the spot Hoseok had been sitting on and adjust his legs, bringing comfort to his tired body.

"Jungkook" Hoseok whine while falling out of place in a lazy manner, letting his arms hand loosely on each side of his body while a pout appeared on his pinkish lips.

"Shut up Hyung! Get back in place, I will start the music" Jungkook wave him away with one hand and wait for him to get back in place. A sigh escape his lips and he get back on his spot, not removing the pout from his face.

"And 1, 2, 3, 4" Jungkook press play, and despite Hoseok still being in his own mind space his body still react to the familiar rhythm. He have been dancing since he was 2 and didn't need to think anymore when he was dancing.

Dancing sort of just came to him as a natural reaction, his feet moved on their own when a rhythm was played, his body just always knew what to do when it came to dancing. It was a way he could always express himself.

"So you and Jimin never did it?" Jungkook ask halfway through the song, only getting a loud sigh from Hoseok as a responds.

"I guess that is a no then... it's really not that bad you know, I know Jimin well by now, he is going to give you all the space you need... or time... whatever you need in a moment like that"

Hoseok ignore the boy behind him and simply focus on his dancing, not caring what he had to say about his and Jimin's sex life.

"Come on Hoseok! Don't be like that; you need to satisfy your man!" Hoseok slightly hiss at the boy as the last beat left the speaker and he could relax once again.

"What happen between me and Jimin, ONLY matter to me and him! Besides, how do you know how to satisfy a man?" Jungkook role his eyes and rest one hand on his knee as Hoseok sit down beside him.

"Dear dumb Hoseok... let me tell you this once and for all... I AM GAYER THAN A FREAKING RAINBOW" Jungkook flick Hoseok's nose as the last words almost get screamed into the thin air between them.

"Well let me be dammed, I thought you were Bi"

"Nah hunny" Jungkook pick up his Starbucks cup and takes a long sassy sip of his ice coffee, eyeing Hoseok up and down.

"Well Mr. Gay pole dancer!"

"Shut up you poof and let me tell you how to get that booty! Cause GUUURL! Do you need a hand" Jungkook sound more like a gay fashione designer by now and Hoseok aren't completely sure how to feel about the sudden change of tone.

"Please don't do that" Hoseok cringe.

"I will, sorry" Jungkook laugh and takes a normal sip of his coffee, trying not to spit it out from laughing.

"Just take it slow, make it romantic. Find out what he likes and dislike in bed. You will slowly get better and better, just let it happen"

"Unlike you Jungkook, I am a virgin. I don't know how to do that" Hoseok bite his lip and look down at the ground, Jungkook smile sadly at the unconfident boy and wrap one arm around him.

"It doesn't matter how many you have been with! Just let things happen, stop thinking so much about it... it's like... like dancing! I know you never think when you dance. It comes to you! Do the first thing your body wants to do"

"What if I am not good enough?"

"Jimin will teach you how to do everything! I know how many Jimin have been with, it's not an ocean, he is into long lasting relationships"

Hoseok violently move away from Jungkook "Wait what?!? You know how many Jimin have been with? Why would he tell you that?"

"Well" Jungkook shrug and continue "He told me about you and him, how he wish he could be with you like that... I don't remember how we ended up talking about his old partners"

"Did he mention if they were good?" Hoseok mumble and fiddle his fingers, not wanting to meet Jungkook's gaze. All his self-esteem had disappeared.

"He said they were okay, but often they didn't care what he liked, so he have always wanted to be with someone who treated him right, someone who didn't just think about their own needs"

"Do you think I can be him?"

"Do you care more about his or your satisfaction?"

Hoseok lift one eyebrow at Jungkooks odd question, of course he cared more about Jimins satisfaction than his own, why should he care more about his own? He loved Jimin more than he could ever love himself.

"His, of course!"

"Well then I think you are perfect" Jungkook hug him into him, trying to give him a sideways hug, even though the hug is a huge fail, Hoseok still get the message.

"I will... I will try" Jungkook smile at the older and ruffle his hair playfully.

"That's all Jimin ask for" he laugh and get to his feet and offer Hoseok a hand "Now let's dance"

"Yeah, let's dance" 

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