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I slid down the cold metal, the friction making my back warm. As soon as I hit the tile floor my tears started. I couldn't let them see me cry, it would only make them stronger. I couldn't cry at home either, my parents would surely throw a fit and turn everything into a big shit show. I only had one more year of this hell hole and I would be gone, graduated, away from every toxic person that I had to see every fucking day.

Stretching my legs out in front of me, I stared at my cheap bookbag from Wal-Mart. I had it since freshman year but it still did the job. I grabbed it by the straps holding it to my chest, smashing my face into the soft mesh back, and continued to let my tears flow freely.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard someone say, their voice echoing off the surrounding lockers.

I shot my head forward to see that Ethan Dolan was standing in front of me, still in his football attire.

I quickly collected myself, sniffing up my sadness and throwing my book bag over my shoulder.

"Hey, hey wait are you okay?" He stood in front of me, blocking my escape route.

"Like you give a shit." I spat, shoving my way past him, his sweat reeking.

"Maybe I would if you weren't such a bitch." he fired back, voice vibrating off every inch of the surrounding lockers.

I spun to face him, a look of disbelief and disgust on my face, he truly was oblivious.

Pressing my hand against the wooden locker room door, I swung it open and made my way out of Long Valley high. Tears flowed freely as I made my way to my car and whipped open the driver door, throwing my bookbag in the passenger seat.

I wipe at my face with the sleeves of my hoodie, feeling the puffiness of my eyes and lips. I look in the visor mirror, and sure enough, my mascara is running down my face. Rummaging for a tissue, I wipe at my eyes and take a deep breath.

It was his friends doing this shit, how didn't he know that? He must be as truly stupid as they say, and as stupid as he acts in those freaking vines him and his brother make. Didn't they know the shit that went on around them, the shit people said? He should know how I feel almost better than I do.

But apparently he didn't.

Which left me alone once again to deal with things on my on terms and through my own methods.

I drove home, my car radio blasting with The 1975. The only music that actually made me feel okay nowadays, and actually helped me escape the reality at hand.

I pulled into the driveway and slowly exited the vehicle. As soon as I stepped into the house I could hear my parents in full blown disagreement.

Love to Hate You • E.D.Where stories live. Discover now