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"Go away Ethan."

"Come on you know you liked it, you didn't have to act all tough."

"No Ethan! You don't have to be such a fucking jerk off!"

"Now there's no need for names princess." he leaned himself against my car.

"Yes there is so fuck off!" I slammed the engine to life and screeched my tires as I sped out of the high school parking lot.

I sit in the bathroom with my hands in my hair, taking deep breaths in and out. I could feel myself having a panic attack, and I knew that my current mental state wasn't the best. My phone kept on vibrating on the floor as Ethan relentlessly tried to call and text me. I watched it ring every time.

You don't like him, you don't like him, you don't like him.

I repeat these words in my head until I can somewhat believe it. Shaking, I stand up and put cold water on my face, hoping I can calm down. I text Ethan.

Leave me alone

He responds immediately.

Please just call me

I reply.

I've had enough of your begging

I don't bother checking to see if he texted back, but I retire to my room, not taking the time to tell my parents goodnight. That night, I toss and turn in bed, and when I finally lay on my back, staring at the ceiling, I can't help but wonder what it would've been like if I let him kiss me more.

The next day was a Saturday, and I planned to do nothing more than to sit in my bed and watch Netflix all day. Unfortunately for me, my plans changed last minute.

"Ana, we're going shopping." My mom bursts through my bedroom door at ten o'clock in the morning without bothering to knock. I huff in frustration while pausing the movie I'm watching. Without word, she walks away, silently expecting me to get ready as quickly as I can.

Sadly I do because I couldn't handle another possible fight. I throw on a loose t-shirt and some heavily ripped jeans, finished off with an old pair of vans. I throw my hair in a messy bun with a headband and proceed downstairs. Mom has already put out a bowl of cereal with a glass of orange juice.

"You can take your time but I want to leave before twelve."

"Aye aye, captain." I mutter as I take a seat at the kitchen counter.

She glances at me over her coffee cup before making her way into the living room.

The ride to the mall is a quiet one, with the occasional small talk. I can feel my phone vibrate in my pocket nonstop, and about halfway through the ride I switch it to do not disturb. I know Ethan has plenty of better things to be doing on a Saturday than texting me. Why did he care so much? I wasn't even his type. This has to be some sort of sick joke.

Mom parks in the first available spot she sees. Immediately she makes her way out of the car and through the parking lot. I trail behind her.

"I'm off to Victoria's Secret, where are you going to be?"

She's probably picking up something new for dad, gross.

"Um, I'm gonna head over to Barnes and Noble." I nod in its direction.

"Alrighty, I'll text you when I'm done." Without another word she's off.

I make my way over and pull open the door letting myself inside. A coffee scented wave rushes over me and a small weight is lifted off my chest. I grab an iced mocha and head to the nearest lounge chair. Might as well see what damage Ethan has done.

As I press my phone to life my lock screen is completely filled. Text after text, call after call, the last one being only ten minutes ago. I sigh as I flick them all away one by one. Maybe sooner or later he'll take a fucking hint, or so I hope.

It's been almost an hour and I'm still in my same spot, flipping through the lastest special edition of LIFE magazine. I'm sitting quietly minding my own business when I feel a sudden presence in front of me. I stay glued to my material, hesitant to look up.

"Hey there princess."

I squeeze the glossy paper in my fingertips as my insides tighten. I slowly look up to see Ethan Dolan standing in front of me.

Now I'm fuming.

This shit has gone too fucking far.

Without a word I grab my things and walk away from him, however I can feel him following me. I make my way to a back corner, setting my things on the window sill before whipping around to face him.

"What part of fuck off and please leave me alone don't you understand?!"

"I don't understand why you're the one saying it."

This was a sick, sick joke.

"Ethan, I mean it. Leave. Me. Alone."


I could feel my anger bubbling inside me as I clenched my fists at my sides.

"Leave. Me. Alone. Ethan."

"No." He says with a scoff, relaxing himself as he starts to grin.

I let out a loud, exaggerated, and annoyed moan. Why wouldn't he give it a fucking rest?

"Now baby girl, that kind of talk is only meant for the bedroom."

I narrow my eyes at him as he continues to smirk.

"Why are you even here?" I ask as he shifts his weight.

"Same reason everyone else is."

God what an ass.

"Oh, so you suddenly read?" I shoot at him.

"No, I consume caffeine."

A true ass.

"No, you're consuming my life."

He raises a curious eyebrow and his grin turns into a smile.

"Is that so? Because you know, kitten, you've been consuming my most wildest of dreams."

I slammed my elbow onto the top of the bookshelf, pinching the top of my nose bridge between my eyes. I could feel heat rising in my cheeks but I didn't know if it was from my anger or something else.

"Ha, made you blush."

"No you made me pissed." I fire back.

"Nah, I think I made you blush, beautiful."

"Would you shut up." I suddenly felt a vibration in my pocket.

I pulled out my phone to see a text from my mom saying to meet her in Penny's. Praise Jesus.

"I need to go." I say as I grab my things.

"But I just got here." Ethan exclaims, stepping closer towards me.

"But I was just leaving." I mock, shoving my way past him.

I head towards the door and this time, I feel nothing but emptiness behind me.

Love to Hate You • E.D.Where stories live. Discover now