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When I was in bed that night, listening to my dad slur drunkenly out in the hallway, I tossed and turned. The way Ethan had smiled at me when I agreed to help him with the project, how passionate he got when he was talking about the following him and his brother had acquired. It really was something.

But we weren't friends. I didn't like him, and as far as I was concerned, he didn't like me either.

So why, at two in the morning, was I trying to find out everything there was to find out about Ethan Grant Dolan?

At school the next day, he acted as though we hadn't even gotten together the previous afternoon. Like I hadn't sacrificed my precious alone time to help him out with his project that he decided to start on days before it was due.

"Dropped something." A deep voice says when I've dropped my notebook flat on the floor by my locker. I crouch down to pick it back up.

"Yeah, I got it." I scoff sarcastically, standing back up. I meet the eyes of Grayson Dolan. He smirks when he sees whatever expression I must be wearing, and he almost seems satisfied.

"Ah, the girls always fall for that," He says in a tone that's dreamy sounding, leaning against the locker next to mine. I snort, raising my eyebrow. He looks at me, widening his eyes, looking around quickly.

"You've got to be kidding me. You seriously don't know the famous Dolan smirk?"

"Hardly. And I think you mean sickeningly infamous." I insult, rolling my eyes before slamming my locker shut to head to lunch. Grayson is following me.

" got together with my brother last night. I didn't hear the bed frame squeaking so, what exactly was the point of you even coming over?" The douche bag keeps talking, but once I feel my face get beet red, I stop him by putting my hand up.

"Are you fucking serious?" I question, taken aback by how unintelligent and rude he sounded.

"Serious as a heart attack princess."

"If you must know Grayson I was helping him with a history project."

"Mhm, sure." He clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, shoving his hands in his pockets as if he's not sure what to do next.

"Look, I want nothing to do with you or your idiot brother."


"Oh, so we're idiots now?" An evil grin comes upon his face. I don't reply.

"Who has millions of fans drooling over them? Not you, that's who princess." He nearly spits at me before walking away like he's the coolest person on the planet.

I start to wonder why I was even obsessing over them suddenly. They were complete and utter jerks, why would I even think for two fucking seconds they were anything more? Anything better?

They let their stupid little internet fame get to their heads, and they considered themselves kings.

I re-grasped my books in my arm while I fumbled through my keys. I heard running footsteps behind me but paid no attention until Ethan popped up beside me.

"Hey, are you able to come over today?" I didn't even glance at him.

"Sorry babe I think you got the wrong chick." I slide my key ring onto my finger when I finally found my car key.

"Nah princess you're the one I'm looking for, so are we on?"

I stopped suddenly and turned on my heel to face him.

"Ok so first you beg me to help you only because you insist on acting like a fucking dumbass. Then stupid me does just that, and what do I get in return? I get ignored. Fucking ignored. You didn't even acknowledge my existence today and now you want my help? Fuck off." I continued on towards my car.

Love to Hate You • E.D.Where stories live. Discover now