twenty one

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In the corner of my eye I can see my mom catching every minute of it. I meet Ethan's gaze and his features immediately soften. He takes my chin in his fingers and plants a soft kiss against my lips. My mom squeals in excitement.

"I think what you said earlier might be true." He says softly against my lips.

"What did I-"

"Stay where you are but face me, this is going to make a great headshot!" I sigh with a smile as we both turn to face her.

Ethan is finally able to tear me away from the camera and helps me into his jeep. Even as we're leaving mom is still pressing away on her phone, catching every moment she can. As we pull out of the driveway I can hear her exclaim to dad that they need to go to Walmart right this instant. I can't help but chuckle. Not even halfway to the school Ethan pulls over and shuts off the engine.

"What- What are you doing?" I can feel my stomach drop and I instantly grow with worry.

Ethan turns to face me, his hand still on the wheel, his grip tight.

"Ana...fuck Ana you look so amazing and so incredible I couldn't say it all before but damn I just can't get over you like fuck baby. You're so damn beautiful. I mean it."

I stare at him and I can feel my cheeks burning. He takes my hand in his.

"I wouldn't want to walk into that school with anyone else on my arm but you darling."

My throat tightens as my vision starts to blur. He brings my knuckles to his lips once more.

"I've also got a serious hard on for you." My eyes widen.

"Ethan!" He shows an evil grin before reviving the engine back to life. He drives us to the school, and there are lights and students pouring in and out of the doors. When Ethan catches a glimpse of his friends and brother, he smiles widely. Then he looks at me.

"God, you look good. Come on, I wanna show off my baby doll." He winks at me while getting out of the jeep. Right as I'm about to get out myself, he comes around to open my door. He takes my hand, helping me on to the pavement, and slides his arm around my waist smoothly while we walk toward everyone.

I feel myself cringe when he approaches his 'friends'. If only he knew...

"You look gorgeous, Ana." Grayson compliments with a small smile. Ethan gives him a crooked look.

"Back off man." He jokes, pulling me closer to him, and suddenly we're kissing in front of everyone. And I know people are watching. His hand rests on my lower back, and I put my hand on his shoulder. When we part, he looks me in the eyes, and his seem to sparkle with happiness.

About thirty minutes into the dance, I decide I have to go to the bathroom. When I get out in the hallway, I take a relieved breath. The music and everything is in the gymnasium, and it's hot and congested the entire time. I do my business, then straighten my dress and hair.

I did look good, really good.

I look at my phone and smile. Ethan and I took dozens of pictures together when we got here, pictures we would never be able to show our parents. I felt drunk, high, as if this moment couldn't be more happy. If you told me three months ago that I'd be here, and I'd be taking R rated photos with one of the most popular boys in school, I would've laughed in your face. But now, that idea doesn't seem so far fetched.

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