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I stop in front of my door to face Ethan, who is hot on my trail.

"Sir?" I tease, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up." He replies, pushing his way into my room.

"Sorry if this doesn't match up to your standards." I say as I set my books down on my cluttered desk. Ethan sets his things gently on my bed.

"It's no biggie. I've done it in closets that had more shit stuffed in them then this." I scoff at his reply.

"Don't worry, we won't be 'doing' much of anything besides saving your ass"

"My ass doesn't need saving." Ethan exclaimed, straightening himself to look down on me.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I strike a nerve ball boy?"

"Fuck you." He replied before flopping down onto the bed. I smirked at the thought of a brilliant comeback, but decided to bite my tongue.

"It's fine, Ethan. Actually, it's really good." I compliment the project after about an hour once I've looked everything over for him. He gives a satisfied smile, his eyes scanning over the words on the screen.

"You ready to go home?" I ask him, swiveling in my computer chair. He looks as if he's in deep thought.

"You wanna go out for ice cream?" He blurts, and a wave of shock goes through me.



"It was a stupid question uh...I'll just go home, yeah." Quickly, he shoves his books and laptop in his backpack, his cheeks once again turning a shade of pink. Without a word, I slip on some boots and we head for the front door.

"I prefer froyo over ice cream to be honest." I say, keeping my gaze straight ahead.

"What?" Ethan asked.

"I said. I. Prefer. Fro. Yo." I say loud and slow.

"Is that just a general statement or are you trying to lead on to something?" he pressed.

"I'm saying I'd rather get froyo than ice cream, if you're really that desperate." I sucked in a deep breath, shoving my hands deep into my pockets.

"I thought you couldn't stand me." he spits out.

"I thought you were the one who brought this up." I shoot back.

He remains quiet for a moment as we walk to the front of my car.

"Ok, so if we get froyo, would you wanna like, eat it together?" he asks shyly, his body tense.

I bit my lip, taking a deep breath. I think he was starting to rub off on me because I was being completely stupid.

"Depends on how this car ride goes." I answer, holding my gaze on him.

"Sounds like a deal, wanna shake?" He holds his hand out towards me.

I wonder what his skin feels like...especially against mine.

Oh shut up Ana.

"Just take my word for it okay? I don't know, and I don't wanna know where that hand has been."

He slowly pulled his hand back, shoving it into his pocket as he nods in agreement.

"Alright, deal."

I shook my head as we entered my car, and proceeded out of the driveway.

Turns out the car ride went great. He knew all the music that I wanted to listen to, and vice versa, and get this....he made me genuinely laugh....more than once! I was surprised to say the least.

I park the car outside of the most famous froyo place in town, and I turn the radio down, uncovering Ethan's actual singing voice that amuses me.

He immediately stops turning to face me. A smile is plastered on my face and he gives a small laugh in return.

"You should make a vine of that, I'm sure it'd be a hit."

"I just might." He replies, holding his gaze on me.

We sit there for a few moments, taking each other in. Seeing him in this light I admit, he wasn't that bad.

Ana, snap out of it.

I turn suddenly and exit the vehicle.

Love to Hate You • E.D.Where stories live. Discover now