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Finally, I make my way back to where Ethan and I were, except, he's nowhere to be found.

"Ethan?" I call.

No answer.

"E?" My voice echoes off the forest trees.


I turn the four wheeler off, looking around and listening to the sounds around me. Where is that boy and why did he leave me here by myself?

It was part of his game, this whole thing was a game. I knew it, I just fucking knew it. He brought me out here to play me and then stupid me falls for it while he goes and tells the whole world just how easy I really am. Way to go Ana, way to be a strong girl.

I suddenly heard a loud hiss from behind me and I was scooped off my feet and thrown over Ethan's shoulder. I squealed out as I left the ground but it was quickly followed by a nonstop stream of giggles. Suddenly, he slides me down slightly and I feel him leaving kisses all over my neck over and over again. I can't stop smiling as he twirls me around in his arms.

These are the cute things I don't think I'll ever not love. Granted, I've only been in one relationship, but my ex boyfriend did this kind of stuff with me all the time. It's different with Ethan though. I feel more mature, not as scared.

"I really should get home, though." I say when I finally catch my breath as he's put me back on the ground.

"I'll drive, baby."

We weren't even in a relationship, and I feel like his nicknames should affect me, but they really don't. I don't like them, but I don't dislike them either. It's just how he is, and right now, that's okay.

All of this is really just...okay. Maybe I don't hate him as much as I thought I did.

Maybe I didn't hate all.

The two of us head back over to the school where my car is waiting for me. I fish the keys from my bag, and I don't realize it until I stopped, but he followed me to my door. I turn so my back is up against the car and he stands only inches away. Ethan lifts my chin with his finger so it's level with his.

"Can I kiss you, princess?" All I can do is nod, but I'm not even sure if he saw it was so hesitant.

Once again, our lips collide, but this time, it's short and sweet. I want more.


There's that word again.

Love to Hate You • E.D.Where stories live. Discover now