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"Favorite color." I say, licking the chocolate froyo off of my plastic spoon. Ethan looks at me from across the table, doing the same.

"Clear." He states, and when he sees my reaction, he starts to laugh.

"Not a color, pretty boy."

"It can be if you believe hard enough." The boy winks at me, cleaning out the dish.

I'll admit he was still an ass, only because he wanted to be, but he could be pretty cute while doing it.

"Favorite body part." he says, watching me as he takes another spoonful of froyo.

"On myself or the opposite sex?" I rest my chin on the top of my hand.

"Either." he replies with a shrug. I sit for a moment.

"Well, on myself I like nothing, but on the opposite sex...I like hands."

"Hands?" he asks, genuinely surprised.

"Yes, hands." I state matter of factually.

"Never heard that one before." he says peering curiously at me.

"Maybe you just haven't been asking the right girls." I sit a little taller as I gather a spoonful of froyo.

"And who are the 'right girls'?"

"Not the ones you've been fucking." I spit at him with wide eyes before shoving the plastic spoon in my mouth.

"How do you know who I've been fucking?"

Did this kid not know how to drop shit?

"Please, it's written all over their faces and it's echoed all throughout the locker room."

He sat nodding his head as he took in what I had just said.

"What do they say exactly?" I dropped my hand hard against the table.

"I'm saying that I am eating and would rather not share that information. It's not like I listen anyway." Ethan rolls his eyes while I finish.

"I'm just gonna put it out there but something tells me you're dying to know." Ethan folds his hands in front of him, watching me.

"Know what?" I ask.

"If I'm any good." He states.

I look up at him, peering as if to ask what he even fucking means. Then it hits me.

"Oh no, no no no. Listen, unlike most girls, I have taste, and I have standards."

"That proves true because you're here with me." He continues.

"No, it's true because I haven't done anything of the sorts with you. And I don't plan to anytime soon, so please, don't waste your charm."

"So I have charm?" He cooes. I sigh loudly and get up from the table.

As I throw away my plastic cup I suddenly feel Ethan grab my wrist and before I know what's happening he's pulled me into the family restroom.

As the door closes, he pushes me up against the wall, shoving his leg in between mine, leaning his face extremely close.

"What the fu-" He slams his hand over my mouth silencing me.

"Don't deny it Ana, you want me. I can see it all over your face I can smell it on you. I'm gonna tell you something and I don't care if you believe me or not. You're hot. You're extremely hot. I don't know what it is about you but I've never wanted anyone this bad, not even Emily the cheer captain."

My heart was racing, I felt like it was going to explode from my chest, my whole body was on edge. I tried to speak against his palm but he silenced me with a hiss.

"I want you Ana. I want you so bad, and I don't know why."

Why did I find this exciting? Why was this turning me on? I searched Ethan's eyes and saw nothing but hunger and lust. I felt my own soften.

"I'll bet you another date that I can fuck you better than anyone else."

I ripped my face out of his hand.

"Ethan Dolan with all the nerve! I've never fucked anyone and I'm not about to fuck you, even if we were the last people on Earth."

He smirked, an evil glint in his eye.

"Baby girl, don't lie to me."

"I wouldn't even give you the pleasure." I spit.

"Mmm, baby girl you give me so much pleasure without even knowing it."

"Oh would you shut up already."

"Only if you beg me." He started to lean in closer and I shoved him back with all my might.

"You know what. I thought you were a decent guy, I really did, but not now. This is extremely low even for you, and you're lower than dirt. If you want any kind of fucking you can just fuck yourself." I turned on my heel storming out of the bathroom.

Love to Hate You • E.D.Where stories live. Discover now