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Ethan turned the knob and slowly let himself inside, leaning himself against the door once he entered. A wide grin spread across his face.

"Morning beautiful." I couldn't help but smile.

"Morning." I replied.

"My towel looks pretty damn good on you. If I dare say so myself." I felt my cheeks flush.

"Thanks." I replied shortly.

"Not much of a morning person?" Ethan asked.

"It's just...I'm in your house, in your bathroom, standing in front of you in only a towel, and it's barely ten o'clock."

"It's one of the best mornings I've had." He replied as he slowly made his way towards me.

He wrapped his arms around me holding me close, only bringing his hand to my face to push away my wet hair.

"Ana you're really beautiful..." He said softly as his fingertips traveled down the side of my face.

"Oh don't lie." I teased shyly.

"I'd never lie to you." His fixed his gaze on me, hard.

"You sure about that?" I asked meeting his gaze.

"I'm fucking positive." With that, he kissed me, soft, gentle, and slow.

Ethan headed back to his room as I changed in the bathroom, making my way back afterwards. As soon as I closed the door Ethan threw something blue at me.

"Wear that." he said.

I held up the blue material to see that it was his football jersey.

"Don't you need this?" I asked.

"Not right now, if I do I'll just slide it right off ya." He winked.

I looked from him to the jersey, and back again. With a grin I tossed the jersey onto the end of the bed, slipping off my own shirt. Ethan watched intently. I kept my gaze on him as I grabbed the jersey, slipping it over my head and letting it fall onto my body. As the material passed over my face his smell consumed me. I stood where I was and Ethan grabbed me by my waist, pulling me towards him to rest his chin on my stomach.

"I knew it'd look great on you." He said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I said teasingly, running my hands through his hair.

"I'm always right." He teased back, gripping me tighter.

He was seriously the cutest thing. Then, he started bringing up the hem of the jersey, bringing it up nearly to my belly button. Ethan kissed my skin, and I knew what was about to happen, and I wasn't going to let it.

"Hey, I should get home, Eth." I clear my throat, slightly shifting away from his grasp. For a moment, he stops, but then looks me in the eyes, the side of his hand touching my cheek, thumb caressing my cheekbone.

"I'm sorry, Ana I-"

"It's fine," I start, I slide my shoes on, and I purse my lips when I look at him.

"See you tomorrow?"

Ethan nods. I leave quietly without a kiss, hug, or even a goodbye. I move stealthily throughout the Dolan household, and suddenly I begin wondering whether or not Grayson knew I had slept over. Or if he had a girl over himself and their parents didn't even know. When I reach my car that's parked a bit down the block, I unlock it and start it up as quickly as I can. Then I realize that I'm still in Ethan's jersey, and if I wear this home, I'll surely be grilled by my parents first thing.

At home, I begin missing the feeling of his arms around me, but I force that thought out of my head by watching old Disney movies and laying on the couch. Neither mom nor dad asked where I had been, but they hadn't known that I was gone either. Unless they had and just didn't say anything.

Love to Hate You • E.D.Where stories live. Discover now