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I shyly walk over to the car, and that's when Ethan gets out to open the door for me. But when I see what he's wearing, I stop. He's wearing Ramones shirt too, but the sleeves and sides are cut off. I roll my eyes.

"I need to change." I blurt, still looking him up and down. Ethan gives me a look as if to ask me to elaborate. I do.

"Look at our shirts."

He does.

"Oh sweet!"

"No. We aren't a couple. I'm going to go change so we don't look weird." I point my thumb toward the house behind me.

"Any chance I'd be able to help?" He asks lowly, knowing that the comment will get under my skin. Instead of being angry, I smile.

"You better watch your comments, mister."

"You better watch that ass of yours so no one but me can have it."

His arms pull me into him, my chest up against his. He plants his soft lips on mine, kissing me hard. Hard enough to nearly knock me off my feet.

I ended up changing into a long sleeved shirt with rips at the elbows. I've had it for years, and this is probably the second time I've actually worn it out in public. While we're driving, I'm changing the radio station to my favorite rock one. Ethan doesn't say anything as I sing along underneath my breath. I'm caught off guard when I'm resting my arm on the center console, and he suddenly puts his fingers around mine, holding my hand. Ignoring the fact, I clear my throat, looking at him. He gives me a side glance.

"I want you to know that I uh...I've never actually been dress shopping. But I can pay for all of it and all that, so don't worry about it."

Ethan scoffs, looking surprised.

"Um, no, I'm paying for your dress, Ana."

"Um, no you're not." I mock. He releases his hand from mine, and I immediately want it back because it fit so perfectly.

"You've never been dress shopping?" He asks in disbelief.

"I've never been to a school dance."


"Nope." I pop the 'p', waiting for his reaction.

"I'm speechless." He finally says, his eyes still wide.


"Why the fuck wouldn't a gorgeous, smart girl like yourself never go to a school dance Miss Ana Ray?" Ethan questions, leaning against the center console while taking his eyes off the road briefly to look at me.

"You think I'm gorgeous?"

"Of fucking course. Jeez, you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever met. No joke babe." He gives a wink before turning his attention back to the road ahead of him once again.

Ethan pulls up to a shop I've never heard of, and the dresses in the window look like they cost more than my house.

"Hey Ethan..." I say quietly as I stare at the front display.

"Sup babe?" he asks, turning to face me.

"I'll let you pay on one condition."

"What would that be?" I turn to face him.

"You can't see it."

"Come on, really?" he whines.

I nod to show that I'm serious.

We head inside, and he waits in the small lobby area away from the dressing rooms.

"Make sure she finds the best dress. Get her whatever she wants. " My prom date winks to the store employee, and with her tight hair bun and smooth pantsuit, she nods with a tiny smile. She guides me to a rack full of beautiful dresses that I would never be able to afford no matter how hard I tried. Ethan did say I could get whatever I wanted, but of course, I wasn't about to take advantage of him and his money. This was the opportunity of a lifetime but I also had common sense.

The lady and I go through racks and racks and I'm just too overwhelmed. I hadn't even thought this through. I didn't know color or style or anything! I slowly run my hand down the plastic sleeve of a sparkly navy blue dress and turn my attention to my helper.

"How about I sit in the dressing room, and you bring in what you think would be best, because honestly I have no clue."

She gives me a stunned and confused look.

"Do you have any preferences at least?" She asks.

"Ma'am, I have no clue period."

She stands beside me a moment longer before nodding in approval. I then proceed into the nearest dressing room. I sit in the lounge chair positioned in the corner. This was crazy, I was in way over my head. None of these dresses would fit, I wouldn't be able to make up my mind, and I'd surely have a panic attack, again. A girl like me doesn't go to prom, let alone dress shopping.

The lady rips back the curtain causing me to jump, and she's looking pretty proud of herself.

"You don't have a curfew you need to meet do you?" I shake my head no.


She begins throwing dresses of every color and style in my direction, and I'm having trouble keeping up. Now, it isn't even about if I will like the dress, it's about if Ethan will like it. After trying on about the sixth one, she hands me a black colored one with silver jewels all over it, and the slightly trickle to the bottom of the dress, but most lie on the chest and torso.

"Probably our most expensive prom dress yet." She squawks, pulling the curtain back so I can change. I run my fingers along it, and when I notice there are any straps, that has to be a selling point for me. I shimmy out of the little gold dress she made me try on, and I delicately slide into the longer one.

Love to Hate You • E.D.Where stories live. Discover now