10-What A Feeling

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After Bebe Rexha has performed and got the crowd all pumped up, it's our turn to go on.

"I KNOW YOU SAID, that you don't like it complicated" Harry sings as I mentally prepare myself for my part and the sea of screaming fans go wild.
"That we should try, to keep it simple
But love is never ever simple, no".
My turn.
"Some day, you're gonna see the things that I see,
You're gonna want the air that I breathe,
You're gonna wish you never left me"
Crushed it.
Liam, Zayn and I wrote this song, I don't really relate to the verses but the chorus "another non-stop will it ever end" I do because it's kind of like my life, like I'm just kind of cruising along and the same shit keeps happening and I just want it to end.

When it gets to the fourth song on the set list, Midnight Memories, I get light headed but I keep going and sing my part anyway.

"Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please,
Way too many people on the Addison lee,
Now I'm at the age when I know what I need,
Oh woah" I get through it both times, just. I'm holding on the the rail on the stage and I look over at Harry.
"you okay?" He mouths to me and I just smile and nod, even though the black dots have appeared in my vision again and I can feel pressure building up in my head.
JUST DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT" black. Everything goes black.

———HARRY'S POV———-
As I'm singing along with the rest of boys in the last chorus, I'm looking over at Louis and as the song finishes he falls backwards. The audience shrieks and start screaming, clearly worried for the small, frail lad. The moment he hits the floor I sprint over to him, jumping over the yellow beam that sits in the middle of the stage.
"Louis!" I say as I shake his body while Niall and Liam come running over. I take the bandana off that I'm wearing and wet it with the water from the bottle I'm holding in my hand and dab it on his forehead. The medical team get to us and as they do, Louis opens his eyes slowly.
"What's going on?" He asks.
"Lou you just fainted" I tell him.
"Can you stand up?" Someone from the medical team asks, "we don't want to carry you out in a stretcher for the audience's sake" he excuses the question.
"Erm yeah" he replies, both the medics help him up and off stage.

"Erm so sorry about that everyone, Louis was feeling a bit  sick before the show and insisted on performing" I lie to them to stop them from worrying "but I assume he won't be able to return, in case he faints again as he could have hurt himself but I'm sure I speak for everyone here tonight when I say I'm glad he's alright and cares about you extraordinary fans enough to even get on stage tonight without a second thought." I say to the audience. "Now shall we continue the show?" I ask them and I'm encouraged to do so by ear piercing screams and that's my cue to start singing ready to run.

"There's a lightning in your eyes I can't deny,
Then there's me inside a sinking boat,
Running out of time,
Without you I'll never make it out alive,
But I know, yes I know, I'll be alright"

——— LOUIS' POV ———
I wake up on the backstage couch after passing out again as soon as I got off stage and I hear Harry's familiar voice talking to the audience, "thank you everyone for joining us tonight, it's an absolute pleasure as always, we wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for you all so thank you again and we'll be back tomorrow night for our last show of the OTRA tour."

I'm now sitting up on the couch and as soon as the boys come off stage they sprint over to me.

"What happened?" Niall asks me.
"Erm I'm not too sure, I got light headed and then I just fainted I guess" I tell him.
"Why? Did you not eat?" Liam asks.
"No I did, I think it's because I didn't drink enough water actually" I lie to them, easily avoiding suspicion "actually can I get a bottle of water please, I still feel dizzy" I ask, wrapping my cold body up in a blanket seeming out of place to the boys that are hot and sweaty from running around and singing all night.
"Sure love" Harry says as he runs off, returning with the water.

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