20-Save You Tonight

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———LIAM'S POV———
It's been 2 weeks since the funeral and Louis hasn't left his room once, or at least that Niall and I have seen. Harry is the only one he lets in or out and even then Harry has told us that he doesn't talk, Louis just likes to have his company as he reads the same book over and over again or lays there listening to the same album over and over again, sometimes just lying there staring at the ceiling, maybe falling asleep if he dares but always being awoken by a nightmare. Louis doesn't sleep much Harry says, he showers a lot. Sometimes he can be in the shower for up to 3 hours a day and Harry doesn't know what he does in there because Harry hasn't showered with Louis since well before Jay passed.

Louis is fading away. We can all see it. He's not even trying to hide it. He looks worse that he did last time. It wasn't even a slow thing either, It's been happening since he found out about Jay's illness which was mere months ago, but no one said anything because they figured sleeping all the time and not eating was the way he dealt with the situation. We need to act this time before it's too late. He's a shadow of his former self and everyone's worried he might succumb to the illness and let it take him away from everyone because technically he wouldn't have killed himself, an illness would have and that's different. Right?

———HARRY' S POV———
I sit at the top of Louis' bed with his head resting in my lap as he tries his hardest to have an uninterrupted sleep. As usual I know it's failed when he squirms and I see the sun glisten off the tiny molecules of sweat on his forehead and his breathing quickens as he inhales sharply, intermittently. I gently wake him and remind him that it was just a dream and his sad ocean eyes meet my emerald ones as he sits up and places himself next to me, resting his head on the wall as he looks up at the ceiling and exhales deeply.

"How are you still here?" He asks me quietly as he turns his head, his eyes flickering around my face before looking directly into mine. Confused, I ask him what he means.
"I'm such a burden you can do so much better than me, I don't want to continue life without mum" he tells me. In shock of what he's just said I immediately answer the first thing that comes into my head.
"Louis, I can't do better than you because there is no better, you're everything I want and frankly if there was someone better than you, I wouldn't want them. I want you Louis. I'll always want you" I tell him honestly and instead of the usual fond smile he flashes when he gets a compliment, he just turns his head back so it's resting against the wall and he's staring at the ceiling again.
"Whatever" he mutters.

There's a knock on the door and Liam identifies himself from the other side, "Harry can I talk to you please?" He asks. I kiss Louis' forehead as I inch myself off the bed and exit the room.
"What's up?" I ask him, noticing the concern as he runs his fingers through his hair.
"I think we need to take Louis to the doctor, he's obviously not eating and I for one am not going to stand around and let what happened last time, happen again" he tells me, crossing his arms in discontent.
"You're absolutely right Liam but I don't know how we're going to get him there cos I know for sure that he's gonna deny anything is wrong with him, it's always the same" I say tediously.
"Well you're going to have do something because we almost lost him once, we can't have that happen again" he mumbles as tears start to form in his eyes and I wrap my arms around him in a warm embrace, rubbing his back to help him relax. After Liam calms down I let him go and tell him I'll have a chat with Louis but first I go and get some fruit to try and get Louis to eat.

"Louis?" I say as I re enter the room, I notice he's in the same position as when I left him a good 10 minutes ago. He turns his head down to face me and I begin to talk.
"I cut you up an apple, can you please have some?" I ask him gently as I sit beside him and place the plate on his lap.
"I really don't feel like it Harry" he sighs.
"Louis you haven't eaten in god knows how many days, I've heard your stomach growl so don't even try telling me you're not hungry, your stomach has started eating itself" I inform him.
"Harry please just drop it, I don't want it" he states, his voice beginning to raise.
"Louis, me and the boys have all noticed you going downhill, you're fading away again and this time we aren't gonna let that happen." I tell him tirelessly.
"I SAID JUST FUCKING DROP IT" he screams as he throws the plate at the wall, apples scattering all over the floor, somehow the plate managing not to break.
"That's it Louis, if you're going to act like a fucking child, I'm going to treat you like one!" I yell at him as I get off the bed, walk around his side and grab his arm, pulling him over my shoulder as he kicks and screams and starts to cry. All I can think is that he's light as a god dammed feather.

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