Chapter 18 | Forget

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"How far into the paper are you?" Jackson asked me, working at Jinyoung's desk as I worked at mine.
"I'm three quarters of the way through," I grumbled.
"I can't believe you forgot about the most important paper of our lives, which, in case you forgot, is due midnight tonight," Jackson half laughed, half sighed.
"I know! I was too busy thinking about everything else that's going on," I typed furiously on my keyboard hoping I would at least finish my paper an hour before midnight.

But looking at the time, I've got an hour until an hour before it's due.... in other words, it's 10 o'clock and I have to get it done by 11 so I have time to send it off.

"Well, I'm finished... so if you need any help-"
"Jackson, I'm going to give you one chance to stop talking, I need to get this done and you are not helping at all."
"Okay..." Jackson smirked, proof-reading his paper before sending it off to our Professor. "Just letting you know, I'm going to go get something for us to eat, I'll be back in an hour or too."

I only grunted in response, too focussed on paper to even think about eating.

I really need to get this done.


"I'm back with some burgers and fries," Jackson marched in with his arms full of food.
"I'm proof reading now," I mumbled under my breathe, my one hour before goal going down the drain 20 minutes ago.
"You've got 40 minutes, calm down," Jackson soothed, attempting to run his hands through my hair. I slapped his hand away harshly.
"Don't tell me to calm down," I growled, my sore eyes scanning my computer screen.
"Okay baby," Jackson laughed, grabbing two plates and sorting out the food.

After another 10 minutes of reading, I finally sent my paper off.

"I'm done."
"What?" Jackson asked, his mouth full of food.
"I'm finished," I sighed, rubbing my eyes because of the long screen exposure. I dragged my feet along the floor until I reached the couch, and dropped myself into the spot next to Jackson.
"Quickly eat, before your food gets cold," Jackson pushed, stuffing some fries into his mouth.

As soon as he had closed his mouth I pecked his cheek, and then began devouring the food in front of me.
"Whhaa wa at or?" Jackson tried to say, but I couldn't comprehend a word he was saying so he decided to swallow the food in his mouth before trying again. "What was that for?"
"For being an amazing boyfriend," I responded before shoving some fries into my own mouth.
"No, thank you," Jackson fought, sending me a smile. "For giving me another chance."
"You mean so much to me Jackson, you've saved me more than once."
"I'd do it again in a heartbeat, Mark."

These are the types of moments I wish I didn't take for granted.

"Are you tired?" Jackson asked, his hand playing with my shoulder blades as we were wrapped in each other's arms on my bed.
"I am. Doing a whole paper in a day seems to knock the life out of you."
"What were you doing yesterday?"
"I ended up focusing on Changkyun's showcase, then I was caught up doing some stuff for Dad because he rang."
"Is he okay? Still in Korea?"
"Yeah, he's really lonely these days. To be fair, the reason why I went back to Korea was to keep him company, but now I'm in College he has no one."
"Why doesn't your Mother go over?"
"She doesn't have enough money... and she needs to look after the house here."
"It sucks, being away from the person you love."
"How would you know how that feels?"
"I've experienced it before... when you moved over here for the first time."
"Yeah... right."
"But now you're here with me and that's all I want. All I want is you, forever."
"You'll be with me forever?" I looked him in the eyes, the same eyes I've always loved.
"I promise... Mark Tuan, I promise to be with you forever," he smiled widely, interlocking one of his hands with mine and the other going straight to my chin.
"Jackson Wang, I promise to love you forever," I replied back, my heart pounding inside of my chest.

Only one of us kept that promise. I just wished it was Jackson.

After a moment of silence, staring at each other and taking in all of the little facial features the other had, Jackson said something.
"We should's two in the morning," He said, looking into my eyes, and then to my lips.
"Yeah... I agree."

Both of us knew we weren't going to sleep.

(Mature audiences ~)
In a swift movement, he pulled me into a passionate kiss. Each of us fighting over which one had dominance. Jackson won.

What we thought was an innocent kiss, soon took a very sudden turn.
Jackson had swung himself up on top of me and gained a hold on my wrists, bringing them up above my head, not once removing his lips from mine.


Our heated kiss went downhill as soon as we heard the door open.
"Yo Mark- what the f-," Jinyoung started, and then screamed before covering his eyes quickly.
I forced Jackson off me, throwing him onto the floor and sitting up in place. I heard a thud and Jackson cry in pain, Jinyoung still had his eyes covered.
"Can I look?" Jinyoung asked from the front door.
"Yeah, you're alright," Jackson grumbled, lifting himself off the ground and giving me a dirty look.
Jinyoung uncovered his eyes and walked further into the dorm.
"We weren't doing anything, just so you know," I defended, and Jackson laughed to himself.
"Sure you weren't... why are you here so late?" Jinyoung asked Jackson.

My fatigue got the best of me, I fell back onto my bed and pulled my sheets over me.

I don't even care what they say right now.

The adrenaline in my body had left completely.

"Just wanted to spend time with my boyfriend, but I'll have to go now." Jackson responded, giving me a kiss on the forehead before heading to the door. "Where were you?"

My eye lids felt heavy and before I knew it, I felt myself starting to drift.

"At Minho's party," Jinyoung yawned.

And at that my heart sank.

I had completely forgotten about Minhyuk.

Short chapter but it was nice Markson not angsty Markson :)
-Dimsum ❤️

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