02 | tour guides

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            I groaned as I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I rubbed my eyes as my eyes adjusted to the light. I rummaged around my suitcase, finding the perfect outfit to wear for the day. After getting ready I put on makeup and fixed my tangled, messy hair. I unplugged my phone from its charger and checked if I had any messages. As if on cue, Daniel had texted me that he was in the lobby.

            I quickly grabbed my purse, phone and headed out and hopped on the elevator. As the elevator doors opened I walked around the corner and was met with the blue eyed boy with a beanie on his head and his hands in his pockets. Daniel had a bright smile plastered on his face that was contagious. As I started walking near him, I felt the corner of my lips tug and form a wide smile.

            "Goodmorning, Malia. We're gonna be your tour guides for today." He smiled as he gestured me to follow him where the van was.

            "Goodmorning to you to Daniel." I said as we made our way to the car.

            As Daniel opened the door I was met with 2 boys randomly slapping each other. Zach and Jack stopped goofing around once they saw me. They gave me bright smiles and waved.

            "Hey Malia!" Zach and Jack said in unison.

            "Hey guys." I responded and sat in the middle row seat with Daniel. As usual, Jonah was driving. "So, where are we going to go to first?"

            "Well we're kinda hungry and you must be too, so we're going to our favourite restaurant." Jonah said, keeping his eyes focused on the road.

            When we arrived at the restaurant we made our way to a table. I sat down next to Daniel as Jonah, Jack and Zach sat across from us.

            "This place has the best food in LA, in my opinion." Daniel states.

            "Nothing beats Chipotle." Jonah responded sassily and I laughed lightly.

            A few minutes after, a waiter came to our table and took our orders. The boys and I made conversation and talked about different topics. Our food soon came and we all dug in as we were starving. The food was delicious and I would have to say that I would definitely come back here again. After brunch, the boys took me to an arcade. We played games and we actually won a few prizes. Our final destination was the beach.

            The boys took me to a gorgeous beach. We then hiked up a mountain as the boys said the view was amazing. It took us a while to reach the top as Zach had kept complaining that his legs were tired and were about to come off. As we reached the top of the mountain, my jaw dropped in awe. You could see a gorgeous view of LA and you could see the sunset perfectly. As the sun was setting, the sky was mix of orange, pink and purple.

            This view is amazing." I said, taking in the view.

            "Yeah, it is" Daniel said to me as he stood next to me. I turned to look at him. He had a huge smile on his face that revealed his adorable tooth gap. His eyes reflected the light and his blue eyes sparkled. A smile fell on my lips and I turned back to the view.

            I've only known Daniel for only 2 days, but I've already learnt so much about him. His smile makes me smile and he makes me so happy. Whenever I'm around him I feel all nervous, I'm so not use to this feeling.

            After watching the sunset, the boys invited me to have a sleepover at their house, which I agreed. We first stopped over at my hotel to grab my necessities and then drove to the boys' house. When we arrived I changed out of my clothes and changed into something more comfortable.

            I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jonah and Jack playing games while Zach and Daniel were on their phones. I sat on the couch and watched Jonah and Jack play the basketball game on the screen, Jonah was beating Jack by a mile and it was funny how Jack would get frustrated whenever Jonah would get a goal or he would miss a shot. I looked over at Daniel who was smiling widely down on his phone.

            What would he be smiling about? What if he has a girlfriend? But I would obviously know because he would probably talk about her. What if he likes some other girl? He obviously likes someone else, I've only known him for 2 days, we're obviously just friends.

            "Mals!" Jack shouted at me and snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to face him.

            "Sorry what?" I asked him.

            "Do you want to watch a movie and we can order pizza?" Jack asks as he grabs his phone.

            "Yeah, that sounds good." I responded and gave him a small smile. He nodded and ordered pizza.

            We then decided on what movie we should watch. The boys argued for a whole 15 minutes on what to watch and I stayed out of it until...

            "How about we let Malia choose?" Zach said and the boys all turned their heads to face me.

            "Uhh, I don't know. Why don't we watch a horror movie?" I suggested, and the boys instantly regretted asking me but they agreed.

            As Malia and the 4 boys were about to play Annabelle the doorbell rang. Jack quickly got up from his seat and excitedly ran to the door. As he opened it he was greeted by not the pizza guy, but Corbyn and Christina who was back from their date.

            "Oh man! I thought you were the pizza guy! I'm starving" Jack groaned and he walked back to the lounge and plopped on the sofa next to Jonah.

            "Well hello to you too, Jack." Corbyn said as he took his shoes off.

            Christina spotted her brunette friend and quickly ran up to her, engulfing her into a hug, "Hey best friend!" Christina said, "I didn't know you were going to be here."

            "Well, the boys invited me for a sleepover." Malia responded, sitting back on the couch. The doorbell then rang again and Jack, again, ran to the door. He paid for the pizza and took the 3 boxes and placed them on the table.

            Corbyn and Christina cuddled on one end of the couch and Malia on the other end. Daniel sat next to Malia in the middle of the couple and the girl while the other three boys were seated on the floor. As the movie started, the group all ate their pizzas and watched the movie. A few jump-scares made Zach jump he would put his hand over his eyes. At some scenes, Malia would also jump and Daniel would realise and comfort the girl. Daniel wrapped his arms around Malia and she would constantly hide in his chest whenever she would get scared.

            After the movie, Malia was fast asleep on Daniel's shoulder. Daniel didn't want to disturb the girl so he picked her up and went up the stairs into his bedroom. He placed her in his bed and put the covers over her. He smiled at how peaceful she looked. He closed the door quietly and headed down the stairs. Everyone was already up in their rooms sleeping. Daniel made himself comfortable on the couch and dozed off to sleep.

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