15 | a newfound friendship

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            Emma and Malia sat in the backyard of Ashton's house. Although the house wasn't humongous, the backyard was exceptionally big. There was a pool that turned different colours every minute because of the lights that could be seen through the water.

            It was quiet in the backyard, away from all the people chatting and laughing as they played fun games, but Emma and Malia didn't mind the silence— to them, it was a place of peace and quiet.

            "So Malia, Jackson was talking about an incident and that's how you met Ashton?" Emma asked, sitting down near the edge of the pool. Malia sat next to her and nodded.

            "Yeah," She laughed, "It's quite funny now that I think of it. It's the weirdest way I've met someone. I was in the grocery store and he crashed against my cart because he was in one. Jackson apparently pushed him."

            Emma laughed along and shook her head at the boys' stupid behaviour, "Those stupid boys, they always do something idiotic whenever they're in public. They try to show off to all the girls. Ashton and Jackson have the biggest egos out of the group."

            Malia quirked an eyebrow, "Is that so?"

            Emma looked at her confused, telling her to elaborate on what she was saying.

            "Well, I've been friends with Ashton probably not as long as you have been friends, but he's honestly really sweet. He's really funny and is quite the charmer. I'm really glad to be friends with him." Malia continued.

            She was about to say something, but Emma stopped herself and smiled, "He sounds like he's really into you."

            Malia shook her head and looked down, "We're just friends."

            "That's what everyone says when they know they like someone but won't admit it!"

            "He's taken me on like 2 friendly hangouts, they were fun but I don't think he sees me in that way." Malia responds.

            "Acceptance is the first step..." Emma started and Malia waited for her to finish the sentence. She looked at him for her to continue.

            "First step to what?"

            Emma paused and bit her lip to think, but she scrunched her face and admittedly said, "I don't know. I literally just saw that on an Instagram post once and I probably used it in the wrong context."

            Malia broke into a wide grin at the blonde in front of her.

            The whole night consisted of Malia and Emma bonding, talking about their lives and their interests. The blonde and brunette got along smoothly and connected easily. As they had a long time to themselves, chatting and laughing, they finally went inside and Malia got to know the other guys and more of Ashton's friends.

            Malia was surprised at how calm, but still enjoyable, the party was. It definitely wasn't like her highschool party experiences that turned out into disasters. She was finally having a good time without the stress of people harassing her with questions everywhere she went.

            As the night finished, Malia said goodbye to everyone, including her newest friend, Emma. They exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. Malia and Ashton were already out the door, and he felt his pocket in search for his keys, but realised he forgot them inside. He told Malia to wait as he went back inside to look for his keys.

            When Ashton was inside, he spotted his keys easily and Emma ran up to him to talk to him—as she was to busy bonding with Malia, she had not been able to have a long conversation with Ashton.

            "Hey, what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be driving Malia back to her house?" Emma asked.

            "Yeah, I just forgot my keys." He dangled the keys in front of her.

            "Well, I just wanted to say that I talked for Malia quite a while and I heard some surprising things coming from her. She told me all about how you are around her and it's sounding very familiar to what other girls have said to me."

            Ashton rolled his eyes, "Look Emma, I actually really like Malia. She doesn't know about the other girls I've dated. Don't ruin this for me."

            "From what I've seen about her, she's an amazing and kind person. If you break her heart, Hayder, you are going to hurt her. And, you'll ruin this for the both of us. She's someone who I want to hang out with because she's overall a really good person. So, Ashton, don't ruin this for me." Emma then spun on her heel and walked away.

            Ashton sighed and walked out the door. Malia was leaning on his car, texting on her phone. She noticed the door close and she looked up to see Ashton.

            "Ready to go?" She asked and he simply nodded.

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