CHAPTER 22 | she's my friend

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【 C H A P T E R⠀22 】S H E ' S   M Y   F R I E N D

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C H A P T E R22
S H E ' S   M Y   F R I E N D

As the sun was setting, the group of five boys were out in their backyard with the company of Angie. Jonah was cooking on the grill as he chatted amongst Jack, Zach and Corbyn. Daniel was with Angie, sitting in their usual spot at the outdoor couches.

Daniel and Angie had not seen each other in ages, her being busy with her modelling career. The two were alone together, but only because the boys stayed far from them as soon as they found out Angie was coming. Daniel didn't know why they avoided her so much.

"I just wanted today to be us boys and now Angelina is here." Jack sighed. "Daniel hasn't even paid attention to me since she came!"

Zach grinned as he looked at Jack, which instantly made Jack suspicious. "What did you do, Zach?" Corbyn prepared himself to be disappointed with Zach's response, knowing all too well that he had done something stupid.

Zach's mouth went wide opened, taking offence at the boy's conclusions. "What? I didn't do anything stupid." Zach paused, and then continued, "I just invited Malia over."

Jack wacked Zach at the back of his head and the young boy wimped at the sudden action. He rubbed his head and elbowed Jack. "Why the hell would you do that?" Jack questioned in frustration.

"Daniel will stop paying attention to Angie, therefore he'll pay attention to us as well." Zach tried his hardest to explain himself, but whatever came out of his mouth did not persuade the boys into believing that inviting Malia over was a good idea.

"I thought we discussed that we're not bringing Malia into this whole mess." Jonah pointed out as Zach's lips formed into a straight line and looked at the boys with guilt. "This is serious, she could get hurt."

"She made the deal! She can't stop it if—" As Jack was about to continue his sentence, the doorbell rang and caught everyone's attention. Daniel and Angie looked over to the boys, a questioning look on their face as they were unaware of a guest coming. The four boys looked at each other, then Zach quickly ran to the door with Corbyn following his trail.

"You have to send her home." Corbyn spoke with firmness, displaying his serious tone.


"Zach, you heard Jonah." Corbyn reasoned with Zach and Zach sighed, then proceeded to open the door to reveal a bubbly brunette with a smile that reached her eyes.

"Hey guys!" She greeted, but as she saw the faces of the two boys in front of her, her smile faltered. "What's wrong?"

Zach shook her head, "Nothing. It's uh- I'm sorry but—"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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