17 | unavoidable

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            On the night of the beach day Malia had with the boys, she laid in bed and felt as though there was a heavy weight on her shoulder. It was guilt.

            What crossed her mind was that she had these feelings that had been building up and she didn't know what she was going to do about it. These feelings were unwanted, something that she didn't want to have because it would get people hurt, especially Angelina, Daniel's girlfriend. She adored Angie, she loved how nice and kind-hearted she was. Malia knew that their relationship was going smooth and she did not want to be the person to ruin it.

            She was in deep thinking, something that she had been doing a lot of lately. Malia needed to control these stupid feelings and avoid the situation from getting any worse. But maybe, the only way to prevent a negative outcome on the circumstances was to avoid Daniel altogether. She knew in her heart that this was going to be a challenge, but it was the only way for everyone to be happy.

            It had been a couple of weeks since the boys had talked to Malia and a reason was due to their busy schedules with writing songs for their upcoming album. But, that was just an excuse Malia used— the real reason being that she was avoiding Daniel.

            It felt unusual for Malia not talking to her best friend, something she did everyday, even if it was a simple 'how was your day' text. Even with the amount of things in her life that weighed her down, a little text from Daniel seemed to brighten up her day. It was the simple things that he did was what made her fall for him, but she was in too deep and she had to get out.

            She felt bad that she was avoiding him, though she didn't think Daniel would be affected by it, assuming he was too busy with his music. Malia didn't want to have feelings for Daniel anymore, but still wanted to be best friends with him. She didn't want to let go of their friendship, she never did. If she didn't let go of her feelings for him, she probably would still lose him, which why her whole plan was so important.

            It was a Sunday afternoon and Malia was bored out of her mind. Had no one to talk to, with her sister busy with her own career, Emma at work, Ashton not responding to her texts and unable to talk to the boys for certain reasons. Daniel was the only one she had to avoid, but the five boys were always together, meaning if she called one of them, all of them would join in.

            To cure her boredom, Malia had gotten ready and head out on a walk, thinking about getting some food and spend time by herself. Maybe clear her head and have a sudden epiphany that her whole situation was stupid and the feelings she felt were due to the lack of love and care she experienced during the tough times in her life. Unfortunately, that was all far from reality.

            As she passed the nice big houses in the neighbourhood, it was quiet and peaceful, something Malia enjoyed. It was calming to not be inside and feel the cool breeze. This was what she needed; being away from technology and being out in the sun.

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