13 | sick day

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            As the weeks went on by, everything went smooth and without any drama. The boys had released their song 'Trust Fund Baby' and the limelights loved and supported them. Malia was extremely proud of the boys and showed her support via social media and by celebrating with the boys.

            Malia and Ashton's friendship blossomed and they were able to call each other close friends. Ashton would still continually flirt with Malia, and she would be lying if she said that she didn't feeling anything for Ashton– because she was, she was developing small feelings for him.

            They had gone on another 'friendly' hangout and had a picnic on a mountain, which turned out terrible because it started raining. Ashton had apologised over and over again for how terrible the date turned out, but Malia consistently told him it was alright. What was even worse was that they had gotten locked out of their car and waited for an hour until help was able to open their door.

            Once Malia was dropped off at her house, she was dripping wet and had a headache. She was clearly not feeling well. It was warm in the house and she was thankful for that. Camila was sitting on the couch, doing work on her laptop and once she saw her sister, looking drowsy and tired, she quickly helped her up to her room.

            "What even happened?" Camila asked, grabbing warm clothes for Malia to wear after she had a shower, "Why were you dripping wet?"

            "We had a picnic on a mountain that had the best view, but unfortunately, it started raining." Malia mumbled, rubbing her tired eyes and yawning, "Ashton forgot his keys in the car and we had to wait an hour for help."

            "You didn't think to call me?" Camila stated.

            "I didn't want to disturb you. I knew that you were working."

            "Here," Camila gave the clothes to her sister and Malia took them and proceeded to head into the bathroom to change, "You know that you're more important than work, Malia."

            Malia opened the bathroom door and headed to her bed, her tired eyes slowly starting to get heavier. She slid under her covers and looked up at her older sister, who looked at her with a stern face.

            "It's alright, Camila." Malia replied, with a small smile, "I'm alright and that's what matters. You should get back to work and stop worrying about me."

            After a second, Camila sighed and kissed Malia on the forehead, mumbling an 'I love you' before she left the room and closed the lights.

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