Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to To every one reading this


Hey ;)

hope you guys like it. And for those non R5 fans. This is Ross Lynch :)) your thought?....


"I would rather be a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody." 

― Abraham Lincoln


Picture: Ross Lynch

Video: Iris by Sleeping with Sirens


Glaring down at my already broken pen, I fill in my details on the extra circular form.

Name: Skylar Jones

Age: 17

Class: 12 J

Extra Circular: Volunteering at the library

Now just remember to take it to school with me this time.


-At school-


I walk down the busy halls, watching that couple making out in the corner, watching that kid get beat up by those jerks. Watching that girl texting someone who she shouldn't. High School is full of rebellion. I don't really like school that much- it's interesting now and then but I dislike it due to the usual reasons; homework, teen stress and bullies! I walk towards my locker looking at the old tattered textbook in my locker, I have had it for over 5 months so far, how the heck has the pages already started to rip? I took my Art project out and a few books and closed my locker. I turned to my right only to come face to face with him. The guy that can make any girl fall fast. The guy that everyone wants or wants to be, all except me. You'll get it in the next few seconds seconds. 3,2,1.

"Please stop! You're ruining it!" I scream as tears overwhelm my body and block my vision I kneel on the floor to collect my fallen school books and my exam canvas with a newly marked hole in the centre of it! I try to collect it as fast as my muscles allowed it, trying to ignore all the laughs and pointing. I collect my belongings trying to hide them in the safety of my arms and run into the girl's bathroom where I found myself locked inside a cubicle. I bring my knees to my chest after dropping my bag and canvas on the frozen still tiles. My body couldn't stop the barriers, my eyes cried waterfalls! That piece of Art took me four days to do, it was one of the piece of Art I thought I did good on. "I hate my life, I hate myself, and I hate Ross Lynch" I whispered underneath my pants!

I try to steady my breathing and take long deep breathes, calming my hiccuping mouth. I swipe my glasses off and wipe away the tears, I release one big sigh then pick my luggage up and very quietly make my way out of the empty white stall, towards my locker, by the echo of the classrooms shuffling in the empty hallways I was a hundred percent, I had missed a whole period and class was being dismissed.

Placing my bag along side my spoiled canvas that needed to be replace, I was examining my next lesson when I nearly got my fingers cut off by the fast and hard closing of my locker. "Aww, looks like dorky Skylar has been crying" Ross snickers in a sarcastic tone. The friends around him also made me feel like a baby as they laugh and whisper insults about me. "Go away Ross" I cursed quietly still not having the confidence to say that looking at him. I tried to reopen my locker but his long fingers distracted my gaze to see someone else was keeping my locker shut. Don't cry Skylar, I try and slide around him but he just chuckled pushed me back to my locker.

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