Chapter 26

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"The creative adult is the child who has survived."

― Ursula K. Le Guin


Picture: Getting drink poured over you

Video: i'll show you by Justin Bieber


Skylar's POV

"SKYLAR" the loud call from my new best friend echoed through the crowed halls, but this school being so gossip crazed will turn their attention towards me. I looked down away from there gaze and walked towards Spring. "Hey Babes" Springs hugs me. She loves to call her close friends names like this, I have only met her for a day and she is already rubbing up off. "Hello Springy Dingy Doo" I greeted her. "oooohhh someone's in a good mood, did you buy the stuff from VS?" she smirked and looked behind me to see Ross and her brother talking to one another out.

I walked towards Ross but his back was facing towards me. Cameron's eyes glanced my way and gave a greeting smile but an Idea was playing in my mind. I put my index finger to my lip signalling for him to be quiet, he gave a discrete nod and looked back too Ross. I walked towards Ross and wrapped my arms around his torso and let my chin rest on his shoulder. "Well, hello to you to" Ross said as he turned his head a gave me a peck on the cheek. "I was just coming to say i'm going to class now and I won't see you until the end of the day" I hugged him tighter "So, I came to give you this" I gave his amazing cheekbones a peck and walked away I knew he hated when I was a tease, but I loved his frustration towards it. It is very amusing.

"Too bad- I have to go, I will see you soon okay?" I asked him as I was playing with his tassels from his jacket. "okay, I want a kiss first" "Bad boys don't get treats." I told him. "but I'm a good boy" he pouted. I laughed and playfully pushed him.

The day went past pretty fast. I always concentrated in class, I was never a one to talk or play pranks in class. I would sit at the edge to concentrate, and I am so happy that Spring is the exact same. It was so funny; we were in Biology and we were learned about anaerobic respiration, she shouted at this guy that asked if he could pass through to sharpen his pencil, she shouted and I quote; "Are you blind, I am trying to learn, I want to get a good job for a good future, get lost" I couldn't stop my laughter. Luckily our teacher wasn't in the room otherwise she would off got a detention. We did unfortunate get history homework and Maths. AGGHHH! THE JOYS..

It was the end of the day and as I was walking out to go meet Ross, her majesty stood in my way, with a cup of coffee in and sunglasses over her head. Her minions behind her was holding her bags and books. Like seriously, how cliché.

"Excuse me" I say nicely as the last thing I want to do is cause a fight. "Why?" Reign asked as she was looking at her nails. "Because I need to get home" I trailed off trying my hardest to cut the sarcasm out. "with Ross?" She asked as her plucked eyebrows rises and all attention on me. She drops her hand and walks towards me. "Listen here, I don't like you! I don't like you hanging around Ross either. You may be his girlfriend but you are nothing compared to me, you wouldn't know one thing about keeping a man" "Don't think I forgot how much Ross teased you, he will as soon as we have our talk" she trailed.. what does she mean talk, when is she talking to Ross. My eyebrows knit in confusion. "Think about it Skylar, He's a jock, a musician, a player, Mr Bad boy...and you, you are" her eyes trailed down my body "you are a fat, nerdy, ugly looking girl, who Ross was forced to marry" she spat. Wait? How the hell did she know that? "How do you know that?" I asked from pure shock. I thought only Ross told his closet friends and I only told Spring. "I have my ways" she said. "Okay, I get it- can I just leave now" I'm not gonna lie it hurt a little even though my heart is immune to this kind of assault.

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