Chapter 20

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"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much."

- Oscar Wilde


Picture: Joe

Video: Champagne Kisses by Jessie Ware






Skylar's Pov

I tried my hardest not to make any eye contact with the ones that were looking at me in the classroom, I held onto the strap of my bag tighter and muttered "I'm sorry i'm late" and hurriedly entered the class. I kept my head down, and my blonde hair making a cage around my face. I didn't want anyone to see my red eyes. Don't you just hate those idiots who ask "are you okay?" when me and them both know in reality they don't and will never give a crap. Anyway, It wouldn't be like anyone would ask me that question.

I sit down and just waited for my name to be called.


"here" I girly voice answered back

"Scott" The teacher called, as her eyes made a glance over the class

"here" The deep voice, answered


"she's not here today" some girl called to the teacher, I turned my head to see it was Lacey. She was Raven's best friend,I remember them both when they first came. I was the only person who would talk to them because they where new. This might sound like a really strange question but what is the difference between a friend and a best friend? I know that's a scrappy question, but I've never had a friend that was under that category, I only rarely made friends for a short period. They where usually the new students who didn't know anything about the Anarchy of this school. They would realise I was the 'nerd' and leave me. So yeah that's as far as my social life has gone.

"SKYLAR" The teacher shouted me. I snapped my head towards her and mumbled a "here." Her head went back down as she read down the list the list. I continued to gaze out the window, just long enough so the bell would go off and then I can proceed through the day. My thoughts where soon stopped short when my teacher said the next sentence.

"oooh Joe dear, What happened?" she gasped. I could many of gasps and all the girls awwing. Some girls went as far as "poor baby"- Pathetic. He got hit in the balls and started to cry, that's what happened.. wait, shit I am so dead... he will tell everyone what happened then, people will hate me more and I will get a detention on my first day!!!! AGGGGHHHH! my mom is either gonna be really happy that I shoot up for myself or very angry because I got a detention on my first day back.

I tried my hardest to slightly look at the scene without Joe looking at me. His legs where parted and his hands above his, ummm... manhood? but that Stupid but perfect Butt head was behind him! He looked at me and didn't take his gaze of me. I refused to look at him. I only looked at his dumb-ass friend.

"I fell" He said, and again their was a swoon of "awweess" and "oh no"

The teacher then told Ross and the rest of his friends to "go and take a seat" leaving Joe up their. I looked at him confidently as know Ross was gone, I noticed there was scratch mark on his face. wtf? I did not do that!!! Well I don't think I did- I brought my hair to my face so I nervously chew it, as I did I felt a scratch on my face, I looked down at my hand to see my bracelet was open. Damn. My bracelet scratched him and made him bleed. My eyes almost most instantly went to his scratch to see him looking out of breath.

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