Chapter 19

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"Confession is not betrayal. What you say or do doesn't matter; only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you-that would be the real betrayal."

―    George Orwell


Picture: High School

Video: Middle of the bed by Lucy Rose


Skylar's POV

You have got to be kidding me, I thought meanly because I was too out of breath to say it. I hated her with a passion, she made my life hell- even worst then Ross did, and that's saying something!

"ohhhh Look girls, it's Skylar" The Human version of Barbie said in a mocking tone. I turned my head to see Reign and her Army of 'Princesses' behind her, Reign had bright blonde hair with .She had a fake nose, surrounded by a plastic face, which was iced in make up. It was like everyday was her wedding day! Reign used to bully me, all the time. Don't get me wrong she is gorgeous, but that's only with make-up! no one has ever seen her without it and it doesn't take an Einstein to know she wouldn't look like any Kendall Jenner.

  She used to make me do her homework and she would spread so many rumours around the school about be being a 'guy' like seriously- Anyone with eyes could clearly see that I am a girl. Plus I just went through this whole transition of changing into this more likeable girl that no one would bully. I'm not gonna let this Malibu Barbie walk all over me like she did for the past 4 years of my life.  

"oooooh, It's the world greatest tramp, what do I owe this honour" I said mocking her high voice

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"oooooh, It's the world greatest tramp, what do I owe this honour" I said mocking her high voice. I just about got that all out in a sentence my breathing was steadying down.

She just smiled and eyed my sweaty state.
"Why, does someone have their big boy pants on today?" she coed. "or maybe it was the balls she grew" I gave her such a hard glare. "told you she was a guy" The other 'girls' behind her started to laugh, okay that kinda honestly hurt, I felt very hormonal at this very point. Like the slightest thing would effect me. I didn't wanna start anything- mostly because I secretly would know she would win. She always wins.

I walk away from her and up the stairs into school. As I made my up the stairs, I thought it would be like the movies where everyone just stops what there doing and looks at the girl and think 'she is new' because of my 'big change'- loss in weight, nicer clothes, some make-up on. However they will then whisper "I think it's Skylar" as I walk down the hall with my head held high and a smirk on. Then the popular guys will like her and try to ask her on a date - not that I could except. I was with Ross after all, Well I think. Anyway that little 'situation' ladies and gentleman is a fairy tale and will forever remain a fairy tale. Like seriously, we read all these stories about how a students love life is so much important then school! And the writers always make school seem so easy. Well it's not, (honestly its kinda easy because I always studied and read extra throughout the years) but there is still homework. Like seriously they have all the time in the world for love but if they don't complete the homework nothing or something REALLY drastic happens... Like come on- we both know that school is stressful. Yet all these stories always make out that school is an optional thing!

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