Chapter 16

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  "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."
— Mother Teresa


Picture: Couple Car journey

Video: Runnin' By Beyonce and Naughty Boy


2 months later

"Ross, come down stairs, your lunch is ready" I shout up the stairs, after throwing up my breakfast from this morning. I walk back into the kitchen and tidy up the mess I made- a few moments later I hear the harmony of Ross' steps down the stairs. "Morning cupcake" he greeted me as he plants a sweet, morning kiss on my cold cheeks. I couldn't help but giggle, but I rubbed my head from only a minor sharp headache. "So... your mom called and said that school is starting next week and that they booked the wedding reservation at the church for the 14th of May" I informed him as I sat down. "M-May?" He almost chokes out. "Yeah May next year" I said as I repeated myself. "But that's so far away.." He whined like. "And?" I asked. "You waited 7 months to marry me another 7 won't hurt.." 

Yupp.. Can you believe it's been 7 months! It's felt like forever!

The branches from outside hit the window, interrupting our conversation. The Mid November breeze kept a constant so far throughout the month. Always gathering more strength.. "Fine then" he agreed. I smiled at how cute his pout was.. I kissed his cheek and he pulled me onto his lap. I took his hands of my arms. "What's the matter?" He asked hurt from my sudden reaction. "Nothing.." I smiled. "Just my body is aching" I said as rested my forehead on his. "Okay.. When we come home I will give you a body message" he smiled happily. 'Yeah that's what he's gonna give me' my inner voice thought. But all I did is close my eyes and smile at him.

— at the Lynch's—

We walk in and Ross shouts from the top of his voice "MOM?" I looked at how he made himself at home and like he never left. "Ross, in the kitchen" his sweet mom shouted back. We made our way through the living room and into the kitchen. "Ross" she yelled as she walked ghastly to Ross and hugged him. I awed silently to see how much of a mummies boy he was, but my thoughts where soon taken away by the loud orchestra of feet moving quickly. "ROSS!!" His siblings yelled as they hugged him again. I saw how big of a family he had and how happy he looked it made me think I haven't seen my mom or my little Madison in such a long time. I miss them.. After this I'm going to say hi to my mom.

"Hmmmm" I cleared my throat, and I attracted their attention, they glanced at me and carried on talking to Ross. Rude. I looked at Ross and saw how he had discarded my presence, he was very busy talking to his parents and siblings. I get it, he hasn't seen his family in a long time but I thought that I was his family too... Okay.. There's that feeling of rejection.

"Ross?" I yelled over his siblings. Still didn't listen. Stormie was walking towards the doorway which I was stood at "Mrs Lynch?" I called and walked towards her and said "hi".

"Oh my?" She said surprisingly. "How are you doing Skylar?" She asked as she engulfed me in a beary hug. "I'm ok, Thanks" I replied. "That's good" she said smiling. I asked her over the loud noise and took her away from the room, "what did you want to talk about?" I sweetly said. "Ohh.. Well.. Mark got R5 a East coast tour!!" My face was plastered with a smile that I couldn't close. "That's great! Congratulation" I hugged her and then the sudden echo of a question ran through my mind. 'Can I come?' I brushed it off and asked her "when?" "Let's just say that we will be spending Christmas and New Year's Eve in New York!" New York! They are soo lucky! "That's really amazing! Do they know?" I smiled. "No, not yet but where gonna tell them when Mark comes back, I'm soo excited to see their faces when we tell them! Especially Ross I know how much he's been wanting to tour again! I'm so excited." She giggled "I'm sure he will be over the moon" I replied, "yeah he will, anyway you sit down and wait for the others" she said as she guided me to the sofa. "Thanks" I muttered. I felt a churn in my stomach when I smelt Stormie's famous bacon pasta. I felt like my stomach was gon-gonna... I cupped my mouth and clenched my stomach as I ran towards the nearest bathroom.

I let it out, every last thing I digested this Morning. I know what your thinking 'SHES PREGNANT!' No! I took the test and it said negative! I felt my head I felt the sweat drops drip of my head. I got up and sat on the toilet seat, I couldn't see anything, everything was spinning and all I wanted to do is sleep. I want my mommy to look after me.

With all my efforts I got up and sluggishly got out of the bathroom with my head down and hand on my burning sweaty forehead with the other trying to sooth my upset stomach. I need to tell Ross, I need to go home, I have such a bad headache that I feel my brain is bleeding. 

I looked left, then right and the house was silent with only a background chatter. I step forward to see Ross and his family in their backyard. I smiled at Ross' laugh, but I stumbled back when I felt light headed. I looked towards the door when I saw his eldest brother walk inside, he looked at me and then grabbed me from falling. "Skylar? Are you okay?" I looked up to see an almost exact replica of Ross. "No, my head hurts and I was sick" I cried as heat started to take over my body. "Let me tell Ross" he said as he tried guiding me to the garden. We walked towards the doorway where I could no longer walk my body was aching. I dropped to the floor. Everything was blurry not just from my watery eyes, but the sun hurt my eyes. This was so embarrassing falling in front of all these people I don't know.

"ROSS!" Someone shouted and I just let my 100 degree forehead rest on the cold hard floor. After a moment I felt someone lift me from the floor. "Sky?" He hummed in my hair. I opened my eyes slightly to see his blonde hair and defined jaw. "Your burning up" he said. "I'm gonna take her home" I slightly raised my head to see Stormie's expression change into sad. And I was the reason. I wiggled out of Ross' arms with his hands rest on my waist. "No" I tried to say. "Ross, can you drop me off at my mom's house please" I say as I let my head rest against his chest. "Are you sure?" He mumbles into my hair. I nodded and looked up at him and slightly try to make my hot, red, dry lips smile. "Okay" he whispered into my eyes. His voice slightly is increased for his projection to the others, "I'm gonna drop Skylar off at her mom's house, so someone will look after her" he told his family as he backed towards the house. ' I will be back In 10 minutes" he informed them, then left.

I was sat in the car and Ross did my seatbelt. "Are you sure baby?" He asked

I again shook my head. "No, you stay" I said trying to reserve my words. "Okay" he gave in. I made myself comfortable by taking of my shoes and folding my legs, Ross rested his hand on my knee as he started to pull out of his parent;s driveway. I interlinked our fingers together and leaned back in my seat. 

We were finally at my old home. Oh how much I missed this place. Ross carried me to the door as I let my arms deal around his neck and my head in his chest. I was only resting my eyes.The doorbell went off, and soon after a few seconds a very looking tired old version of me, opened the door. "Sky?" She asked worriedly and moved out of the way for us to come in.

-after all explaining-

We found out that Madison was also sick and my mum was really tired from getting up from Madi's cries. She also told me, she would wake up and walk around the whole house looking from me. I miss my Madi. After Ross left and left his lips on my scorching forehead, me and Madi are sleeping in my old room. She hasn't woken up and seen me yet. She was hotter than me and she was in baggy pj's and her blonde hair was scattered around the pillow. She moved to the side and I saw how wet her pillow was from her sweaty hair.

I walked out from the bed and got two cold hand towels on my head and one on hers. I lied down and her head rested on my tummy. Her hand found mine and gripped it. I couldn't help but smile.

"Skylar" she sleep talked and gripped me harder.

I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I wiss you too" I repeated her and soon fell asleep with my little girl.

"I wiss you too" I repeated her and soon fell asleep with my little girl

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