Chapter 30

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  "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
― Mae West


Pictures: Ross and Skylar cuddling

Video: Angel by The Weeknd


"Ross" I whispered onto his chest, I can hear his raced heartbeat. "yeah cupcake" He asked as stroked my arm. "Why do I have the worst headache ever" I wined as I closed my eyes. I heard his chuckle vibrate of his chest, "It's called a hangover" I shook my head and spoke "well, I hate it, can you get me some medicine please" I let my fingers trace his toned stomach.
"sure thing babygirl" he smiled as he go up.
I took some Advil, but it still felt like a pile of crap.
"Can we stay in, I don't wanna go anywhere today, I feel like crap" I mutter as Ross picks me up and puts us in the shower then dresses me. I was about walk downstairs, when I rushed into the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. Ross said it's normal to throw up after a hangover. But It sucks. I threw up anything that was In my stomach.
"You know you only had 5 shots" I don't know how you got drunk so fast" Ross smirked as he rubbed my back.
"Shut up" I said
"What would you like for breakfast Muffin?" Ross asked as he puts me on the counter. "I am in the mood for Eggs, tomato ketchup and cup of a milk." I smiled. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Also can I have chocolate pancakes with lemon in it" I sheepishly grinned. I don't know but I just really want all those things. "are you okay?" Ross asks.
I think, "Yeah" I smile. "Well, being hungover always brings up a strong appetite/ maybe not so much a strange one but defiantly a big one" Ross smiled. He started to get to work whilst I watched him. I was in his boxers and a big hoodie and slipper sock. He was in a vest and shorts. I crossed my legs as I watched him make breakfast, all of a sudden slow but loud footsteps where heard. 

Spring came downstairs, with scruffy hair, tired eyes. I smiled at her and saw she gave me 'I'm-not-in-the-mood-bitch' look. She walked over to me and gave me a hug and rested her head in my lap. "Hey girly" I greeted Spring. "My head hurts Sky" she complained. "It should, you where so out of control last night after your brother went to sleep" I smiled at her and put her hair in a lose ponytail.
"Why, what did I do?" She sighed waiting for her embarrassment to come. "You were so drunk last night you asked Rydel if she was secretly Barbie and then you said to Vesta to take you outside for some fresh air, she took you outside and you climbed a tree screaming 'that you climbed Broccoli'. And Then you gave Alexa mushrooms, she kept on saying she doesn't like them and you kept chanting. 'you need them to grow'" I laughed at the last one.

"AGGGGGHHHH" she frustratedly sighed in my lap. I patted her head in comfort. "Did I seriously make a Super Mario reference?" Spring questioned. I nodded and she heavily grudged.
I looked at Ross and he nodded his head. "also.." I trailed off. She looked up at me and saw my facial expression. "also what?" She asked suspiciously. "You kinda, maybe Kissed Riker" I smiled. "What?" She said slowly.
"You guys where really drunk and I don't know who kissed who but when I saw you both, you where pretty into the kiss" I said slowly trying to re frame from any type of outburst.
"I told that idiot, not to talk to me, after he tripped me up" I heard Spring get angry. "He is so dead" Spring threaten as she deadly walked up the stairs.

Ross and I started to laugh at Spring's sudden change of mood. I looked at Ross and I saw the eggs and Pancakes. Yayy! "Gimmie" I shouted like a toddler. "what's the magic sentence" Ross asked as he put the plate of food just in front of my grasp. "Ross Lynch Is the most sexiest guy I have ever seen. Even more hotter then Douglas Booth" He smiled and gave my lips a light peck. He placed the food on my lap and I started to eat like their was no tomorrow.
After we finished our breakfast, we heard alot of yelling coming from upstairs. "Do wanna go see what's happening?" Ross asked. I raise my eyebrow at him. "You know I don't like eavesdropping" I informed Ross Playfully. "Yes, but Riker might get his ass beaten up by a girl. Your telling me you don't want to see that?" He smirked. "fine" I gave in. He put me on his back and brought me up the stairs. I sat on his back as I looked at Spring sitting on Riker's back on the bed. "get off" Riker yells
"Not until you apologise for taking advantage of me" Spring yelled back. "What?" Riker argued
"how many times do I have to tell you, You kissed me" he continued to yell. "Your lying, I told you to piss of but instead you started to talk to me" Spring smacked his head. I laughed and Riker and Spring's head turned to us. 

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