Chapter 11

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"If someone thinks that peace and love are just a cliche that must have been left behind in the 60s, that's a problem. Peace and love are eternal."

- John Lennon


Picture: Ross and Skylar cuddling

Video: I'm into you by Jennifer Lopez ft Lil Wayne


Skylar's POV

I woke up too the blazing sun on my arms and face and with my legs tangled with my fiancée, wow! Fiancée! Did I seriously just call Ross Lynch my fiancée? I turned my head to see his beautiful brown eyes look at me."Hi" I whispered onto his arm. He stroked my hair and twirling the ends with his finger "hi" was his reply. "Are you okay?" I ask as I wonder to his leg.

"Yeah I'm fine Sky" he whispered into my blonde jasmine hair. I couldn't of helped but smile at how close we had gotten, holding each other- sleeping together and having a fully functional conversation with one another."So what do you wanna do today?" He asked whilst twirling the same piece of hair. "Ahhhh, looks pretty sunny outside- what about the beach?" I asked unsure "yeah sounds good to me" he says happily whilst moving his eyes to place them on my boring blue ones.

"What are you thinking about?" Ross asked me. I don't know what am I thinking about? "Nothing" I couldn't let that escape without a cheeky smile, "really?" He asks with raised eyebrows! "Okay, maybe someone" I told him teasingly, "does this person have blonde messy hair?"

He responds as he tightens his grip in me and pulls me impossibly closer. "Maybe" I smirked. He mirrored my smile and said "does this person have an amazing smile and a muscled body?" He says ask turning me around so our noses are aligned. I giggle at his action "kinda" "Oh, I think I know who talking about- but let me ask one more question to clarify" he whispers as our foreheads clash."Does this person have an amazing gorgeously perfect fiancée- who has the best smile in the word and her laugh makes him feel like he lives In heaven" he asks and smirks at my blush.

"That's up to opinion" I say quietly. It's amazing he thinks it but I think of my self so little, It's like I'm a nerd and he's a jock. We all know we have read those stories one time or another. It just feels surreal! "Well, I think she's beautiful and I know her when's she's lying" he comes close to me and whispers into my ear - "what is it really?"I felt for some reason looking into his peaceful eyes I could trust him- "it just feels unreal how the jock" I say signalling to him "and the nerd are some how In love" I lowered my voice towards the end.

"Your In love with me?" he asked in a questionable tone of voice. I look away and quietly blush- hoping he wouldn't noticed. Looking up to see his eyes stealing right through me, I felt paralysed by his gaze, I couldn't move but he interrupted my thoughts with his everlasting words of "I guess the jock is In love with the nerd" he said it say casually and proud. I smiled from his honesty, so I guess if he's happy with it... I should be.

"I guess the nerd fell for the jock" I said as my hand explored his hair and pulled him towards a driving sensation I have been having since he woke up. My lips crashed with his and it was the most real kiss we've had- I know he loved me after being the stubborn person I am- but I loved him more because for some reason it felt like he loved me because of my flaws. God I sounds so cheesy. I guess the lion did fall for the lamb, ( Shout out to all my Twilight Fans! Twilight Rules, #TeamRoss )

After our morning make out, me and Ross, got up to shower-

"Do you wanna shower first or should I?" I ask nervously whilst playing with them hem of his shirt- I know it's looks clingy for me being so close to him but for some reason I felt like this was all a dream that would end soon- I wanted to be with him to make sure he didn't fade away or leave me broken like someone else in my life did, My father.

I didn't trust any male until then- he just took of with some other lady leaving my heart broken mom at home! I just felt like one day- someone will throw a gust of wind that will make him blow away and leave me stuck on a stranded land, Stupid but I was just what my heart felt. I didn't want that Ever! I kinda loved him, I think.

"Hello?" I broken out of my trance from her finger on my chin "Hhh?" I spoke clueless, he chuckled- "I said, what about it we showed together, so we can defiantly make sure all of our insecurities are out of the way! He asks as he scratches the back of his head! I blush but shake my head "N-no, trust me- You don-" I was cut off by his words. "Come on Sky" He tries to persuade. I laugh but again shake my head. "Maybe some other time" I bopped his nose and ran towards the shower, locking the door.

"Fine then, I guess I am having my shower last" he called. "You bet" I chuckled. "I did give you the option though to go first" I said again, checking the temperature of water. "Yeah, but I chose one of my own" he said louder-meaning he was closer to the door. "But I didn't agree" I explained.

"Touché Miss Jones" I laugh and jumped into the nice warm shower.

Okay I'm writing like this know!! Sorry for updating by hay!! Long one!!

Love yar



Also comment plz- I need your opinions on this- should I write in this much detail? Also don't forget to vote!!

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