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OKAY! YAY! UPDATE! I'm really hoping I'll get some readers or if you're reading this now then I LOVE YOU! I'm just hoping for some slack, because again this is my first story so... yeah... anyways chapter 2 here we go!

Chapter 2- Found

He landed with a hard "oomph".

"Thanks for the gentleness Heimdall," he whispered to himself. He could only imagine the smile on Heimdall's face right now.

He finally got to his feet with little struggle. He didn't hurt because of "demagicification" but he landed pretty hard.

He began looking around and discovered he was on the road. In Manhattan. Oh no.

People surrounded him, cars blown away because of the transport.

"What. The. Hell?" A bystander asked.

"Hey! Isn't that the guy who nearly destroyed our great city?" Another yelled.


"Get him!"

Loki didn't know what to do except make a run for it. He didn't get very far for a man in a black suit stepped through the crowd. "Loki Laufeyson," he mocked.

"And who do I owe the pleasure?" Loki smirked back at him.

"My name is Karson Greene. I work for S.H.I.E.L.D. We found some strange readings. Isn't it funny how when something strange happens . . . you're always there."

The words didn't bother Loki. They are mere mortals.

Although, aren't I mortal now?

"Cuff him," Karson said. Two men dressed in black came and put his hands behind his back and put some high-tech cuffs on him. All Loki did was smirk.

. . .

Loki was surrounded by nearly eight guards like the last time. They brought him to a cell similar to the one he had before but a chair in the middle with metal straps on the arms and legs. Of course, Loki was placed in it.

The guards left once Loki was firmly in the chair.

He wasn't alone for long for Karson walked in with a smirk on his face. "Hello Loki," he said with disgust.

"Karson," Loki spat back out.

"Watch your tone. Director Fury will be here any minute now."

He decided to stay quiet until Fury got there. He knew he would be so happy to have him here.

Loki was pulled out of his thoughts as Karson spoke through his ear piece. "Yea, I got 'em. Alright. Okay, I'll bring him down." He turned off his ear piece and undid the  straps holding him to the chair. "Come with me." He dragged Loki up not-so-gently and pushed him towards the door.

"Where are we going?" Loki asked, no hint of fear in his voice. He wasn't afraid. He could handle these humans. Although I seem to keep forgetting that I'm human now too. They don't know that . . . Prefer to keep it that way.

Karson never answered Loki's question but he lead Loki to a room with another chair and some big machine next to it. "Sit." Ordered Karson.

Loki did as he was told, not wanting to start anything. He saw Fury walk in as he was being strapped in. "Loki," he greeted with disgust like Karson did.

"Fury," Loki replied with equal disgust.

"I'm going to ask a few questions. If you refuse to answer or answer wrong, my friend here will push push a few buttons. I think you can process the rest."

Loki snickered, "An interrogation? Really? You think your little devices can hurt me?" Loki chuckled evily.

Fury looked over towards Karson and nodded. He pushed a button on the machine and Loki felt electricity surging through his very veins. He let out a scream. He flung his head back. It was then that he discovered they could hurt him. He was human now after all. The pain stopped and his head slouched down. He was already panting.


"Why are you here Loki?" Fury asked.

"Why does it matter?" Loki mumbled, his head coming back up.

"Wrong," Fury stated, and the pain returned. Loki screamed again.

"Why? I'm not gonna ask again." Fury said, no sign of irritation.

"I was banished!" Loki said quickly through grit teeth, his head slouching down again.

"Why?" He heard Karson ask.

"B-Becuase it was . . . punishment," Loki gasped out.

"You seem awfully weak Loki." Fury stated, mockingly.

"Because I was . . . was stripped of my magic . . . I'm merely mortal . . . Like you!" Loki breathed with struggle, his words slurring.

"So I bet this hurts." Karson said pushing the button again.

Loki's body convulsed with electricity.

. . .

After almost an hour of electric shocks, Loki was returned to his cell and into his chair. He would've struggled if he had the strength to.

He was sure Odin sent him so close to S.H.I.E.L.D on purpose. He was probably laughing on his throne now. That session would've been nothing if he had his magic. He could've easily healed himself only he had his magic!

"Damn you, Odin." Loki whispered to himself before losing consciousness.

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