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Lovefool  -  Twinning94 

JUDGE: makcheetah
I loved this book. The grammar was perfect, I couldn't find any wrong spellings, bad phrases or anything. The story was a tad bit cliche, with the shy girl and popular guy scenario, but I like how you interpreted the blog into it, making it more original. It was a great page turner, the flow was amazing and easy to understand. Keep up the good work!!

JUDGE: Cray-CrayReading
I really enjoyed reading this book they're were no noticeable errors which made it better to read. I think I can say it was a little cliche but you made it yours by adding the blog bits. The character were good and the book had a great flow

Meant To Be (Love Story) - faty_n_ 

JUDGE: makcheetah
The plot line was very cliché, I could almost predict everything that was going to happen. The forced marriage, the groom and bride not liking each other, then actually falling in Love etc. What really killed it for me was the grammar. I couldn't focus on the plot line, because there were more grammatical mistakes then correct ones. I realize that you do say how there are many errors and to read at your own risk, but grammar makes up a lot of what interest readers. Fixing those errors (like capitalizing your I's) will help make your work flow so much easier. I did like how you interpreted the different languages. The character development needs a little push. I want to know a little more about the main characters.

JUDGE: Cray-CrayReading
I'm sorry but there were a lot of grammatical errors and it made it a little cringy to read if I'm every other sentence there was a spelling mistake or a grammatical one. It was a very predictable story line so even if you did stick to it you could've added bits to make it your own. The character building was okay and the writing style needs to have a little bit of work done.

The Girl At The Last - crazypoodle 

JUDGE: makcheetah
I loved this book! It was a total page turner. The characters are very relatable and it's refreshing to see how they both struggle in their own world. There were some grammar mistakes like spelling, but it still flowed perfectly. I loved the sarcastic humor and plot line. Fantastic job!

JUDGE: Cray-CrayReading
I really enjoyed it I'm a huge cliche fan and the writing just made me want to carry on reading

Transitions - blackbearrrr

JUDGE: Cray-CrayReading
Nice story line maybe if she had a proper flow it would make the book more enjoyable

JUDGE: makcheetah
This book was good. I liked the originality in it. However the plot line moved very quickly. Like the main characters met, and like within an hour they were practically dating. I feel like there should have been some more time. There should have been some more detail in each chapter as well. Other than that good job!

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