Chapter 5.

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Chapter Five.


I got up and walked to the bathrooms feeling rather uncomfortable by Shawn and his actions as i hardly knew him. I was just about to go in when Shawn grabbed my arm.

"Hey!" I shouted, trying to move myself from his grip.

"Shush a second...Look my dad will go mental if he finds out about the smoking and that so just keep quiet okay?"

"Sure whatever...Hold on a minute? How come your dad doesn't know?" I frowned pulling my arm from his grip harshly.

"How come you're so rude gosh you were quiet in the car"

"Just go away Shawn"

"One last thing! You going to Gilinsky's party tomorrow?" He asked.

"Maybe" I trailed off.  I walked into the bathroom and got my phone out. I rang Liam. I always called Liam in times of need, because he always knew what to do. 

"Hey Faye" He said from the other line. I could hear loud blasting of Take That music in the background, i chuckled to myself before answering.

"Hey Lee can I come round yours? I have so much news about today, it's actually turned out to be one of the weirdest days of my existence"

"Sure and bring me food"

I made the excuse of having to do a school project at a friends so my dad would excuse me, Shawn smiled and waved me off as i walked out and called an uber. 


"So he kissed you!" Liam squealed. Rolling back onto his bed clapping his hands. 

"Yeah then my mom walked in"

"Oh my god babes! She didn't" he laughed.

"Then I had to go to  Coffee with my dad that's when-"

"When Shawn Mendes felt you up" Liam finished for me and i rolled my eyes.

"He wasn't feeling me up!" I shouted.

"Who's feeling you up?" Cam asked walking in with Hailey, Liam's mom had obviously let them in and upstairs as Liam's house was usually our hang out spot. We all sat down and I told them what happened with the car ride and Matt.

"So this party is at Gilinskys?" I asked.

"Yeah have you decided to come then?" Hailey asked looking at the boys, they all looked at me with big smiles and i frowned crossing my arms.


"Oh please Faye!" Cam shouted.

"Fine fine I'll go"

"Yay!" Liam shouted. After a few hours of talking and listening to good music, Liam's mom made us dinner and we all ate, she pretty much treated us all as her own considering we've all been best friends forever.

"Right I'm going home night guys" I hugged Liam and Hailey goodbye and Cameron offered to drive me home. It was getting kind of late anyway and my parents would be wondering where i am.In the car he put our mixtape we made ages ago and our favourite song came on 'Teach me how to Dougie'

"Teach me how to Dougie! Cuz all da girls love it!" We sang really loud, really badly. We did weird dance moves while we drove up to mine. When the car stopped. I looked at Cam and he smiled. He was a good friend to me.

"Goodnight gorgeous" He smiled.

"Night Cam." I kissed his cheek and jumped out the car. I was walking up to my house when someone chucked a rock at me. I turned to see Matt behind me. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Sorry about earlier" We both said at the same time.

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