Chapter 11.

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Chapter Eleven.


I walked over to Matt and hugged him, as we pulled away he frowned at me shaking his head slightly, i decided to ignore that and carry on as normal.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Hey who you here with?" He asked looking at Gilinsky behind me. Frowning at him too, i knew this would make him mad but he made it clear we were not a thing. 

"Oh just Gilinsky and Shawn"

"I told you to stay away from them"

"Woah I can hang with who I want!" I snapped stepping back and pushing him away, Shawn and Gilinsky obviously saw and made their way over to me.

"What's going on?" Shawn asked.

"Nothing let's go" i annoyingly said.

I grabbed Gilinsky's hand and dragged him down the hill. Shawn and Johnson following. We got in the car and he drove off.

"What was that about?" Johnson asked getting a cigarette out. I snatched it out of his hand and grabbed a liter from the glove box. I was more than mad, and wanted to just punch Matt. He doesn't own me, and never will because i'm my own person. 

"I need this right now" I said taking a drag.

"I didn't know you smoked and where we going?"

"I don't Gilinsky and anywhere but there."

"Oh okay..."

I didn't even know what time it was because it went really dark. We pulled up outside the train tracks, the abandoned ones. Usually this was where all the tumblr wannabe kids went to take pictures.

We got out the car and walked over to the tracks.  We sat down and just chilled Johnson got some vodka and we all kept taking sips of that. I had never been a 'reckless' teenager until Gilinsky walked into my life. Well I've only actually been hanging with him for a few days and i'm already sitting smoking and drinking.  Wow, just wow.By this point I was pretty drunk because we didn't have anything to make the vodka less alcoholic. 

"So Faye whats with you and Gilinsky?" Johnson ask as Gilinsky walked off to pee in a bush.

"Um well we slept together...oops aha" I giggled.

"What's that?" Gilinsky asked sitting next to me. The boys began to snigger and i did too but mine was more of a loud obnoxious drunk laugh. 

"Oh nothing" I laughed.

"I'm bored I'm going you coming Faye?" Gilinsky asked, standing up; "She's abit drunk so i'll get home" He said to the boys and they nodded as we walked back. Well stumbled. 

We walked back to the car and just sat there.

"I can't go home drunk" I whined.

"Okay you can stop at mine" he said starting the car.

I think this won't end good.

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