•Chapter 16•

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Harry POV

"I think I will ask Rebecca." Louis says and another voice speaks up.

"No ask Cassandra, shes prettier."

Right now the boys in the lunch table are deciding who they should ask to prom.

"What about you Harry?" Louis asks and I look up to see all eyes on me.

"Uh I don't know if I am even going." I reply back.

"You got to go man, I know you just came but you have to." He says back and I shrug. They go back to their conversation and I look towards another direction around the cafeteria and I spot Abby. She sits alone in her table but then right away she gets up and starts walking. My eyes follow where she goes and I notice she gets closer to Liam.

Her expression looks mad and I hope she knows what she is doing. My insides tell me to go over there to make sure everything is right but I would be intruding too much.

Once she gets there Liam has his attention to her already. I notice they talk back and another person joins in the conversation. I think his name is Zayn. She talks to both of them and I wonder what about they are discussing. Then I see Liam grab her arm and right away I stand up and go towards there. Once I am close Liam notices my presence and gets even more angry.

"You have got to be kidding me." He mumbles while looking at me. I look towards Abby and Liam's hand gripping her wrist. I cant tell how she feels about me arriving because her expression is unknown.

"You know, I have had it enough with you. All you do is keep interfering with what is mine." He hisses while getting up towards me. He tries to threaten me but right now I try to keep strong. He opens his mouth to talk again.

"Ever since you came everything has been different. Abby just keeps avoiding me and a bunch of other shit." He spits again. Abby tries to get out of his grip but he holds on tighter.

"Let her go, now." I reply and he chuckles evilly.

"You cant tell me what to do." He snaps back.

"Liam let me go." Abby speaks now and Liam turns around.

"Fine, then tell him to go." Liam says to her and then her eyes meet mine. I hope she doesn't listen to him because he cant tell people what to do. She doesn't speak but only stare at me. Liam then grabs her other wrist bringing her closer to him.

"Tell him." He spits in her face. Thats it I have had enough of Liam doing this to her. Right away I fist his shirt with my hand and he looks taken aback.

"Let her go." I growl he hesitates but finally he actually listens letting go of her hand.

She quickly walks away from him and goes behind me. It makes me feel happy that she knows I can protect her. I let go of his shirt then step back away from Liam.

I turn towards Abby and ask her if shes ok and she nods. Then right away her eyes flash with fear and she yells out, "Stop!"

Then all of a sudden I turn my head backwards and see an angry Liam coming towards me and his fist comes in contact, pounding against my cheek sending me to the side. Then his fist comes in contact to my stomach making me lose the oxygen in my lungs. I make contact with the floor falling hard and I lie there with my hand over my stomach from the pain going through my body and hearing many voices of people shouting and calling but only paying attention to Abby's voice in fear before I blank out.


I slowly feel myself coming back and the pounding in my head and pain in my stomach. I hear voices outside that sound familiar. I completely open my eyes and look around. When I notice the supplies and what I'm laying on I realize that I'm in the nurses office. The voices outside are talking calmly and then I hear the door open and see my mother and the nurse. They walk in and my mother comes to my side.

"Are you ok?" She asks and her hands caresses my forehead.

"Yes. I feel better." I reply and she looks so broken.

"I am so sorry. I cant believe this happened to you." She says and wraps her arms around me holding me tight.

"Its ok." I reply and she pulls back smiling at me.

"Cmon you're going home early." She says and then Abby comes into my mind. We have a tutoring session today. She will think I left her like yesterday.

"Wait but I need to tell Abby." I say while sitting up.

"Wait why?" My mother asks but I don't reply instead I get up and walk out. What am I going to do? Go find her I guess. When I walk out I notice a body sitting on the bench outside the door. I look down and her eyes meet mine and I have never felt this happy to see someone. Her hazel eyes stare up at me and smile of relief. She gets up and comes straight towards me and wraps her arms around my neck and right away I wrap mine around her back and I press my head against her neck. Her gesture takes me by surprise but she made the move first and I am glad.

"You're ok." She says next to my ear more of a statement than a question. I don't think I ever want to let go of her. Just being held in her arms makes me weak. Her arms get loose around my neck and I have to force myself to let my arms detach from her body. She steps back and smiles up at me. There is only silence but not an awkward one, a nice peaceful silence.

"You were waiting for me?" I ask her in surprise. She nods her head.

"Some teachers and students stopped Liam and they brought you here. I followed them and i stayed out here because I couldn't leave until I knew you were ok." She says and just the feeling that she wanted to make sure I was ok makes my insides burst with joy.

"Harry lets go." I hear my mother's voice interrupt and I look back at my mother and nod.

"Ill come by later then?" Abby asks and I look back at her.

"Yea Ill see you later." I say and smile. She smiles back at me and walks away towards the halls and before she turns the corner she looks back at me and smiles again then disappears.


When I got home my mother gave me an ice pack to place on my cheek. When I looked in the mirror it was swelling up and I can see the bruise already forming. I wonder what exactly happened to Liam. He probably got sent to the office. I kind of feel like this was a bit of payback from when I punched him at the party. I guess I kind of deserved it.

I just lay on the couch changing the channel to the tv waiting until Abby comes over.

Abby POV

During each class that went by I kept looking at the clock wishing the time would go faster so that I can get to Harry's. I hope he is ok right now. The pain that I felt once I saw Liam's fist come in contact to Harry's cheek. I swear I felt tears coming up but tried my best to hold them back. Then Liam punched him on the stomach and he fell. Right away I called for help and all the student were circled around us. Then finally some helpful students and teachers held Liam back. I knelt down beside his body and I noticed he wasn't moving or opening his eyes. Then the faculty carried his body to the nurses and I followed. They wouldn't let me inside so I just stayed outside. At that point I didn't care. All I needed to know if he was okay.

A while later his mother came and she was talking to the nurse but she didn't notice me. Then they went inside and I wondered when will he wake up. Then the door opens and I look up to see his beautiful green eyes staring at me and I don't know what came over me but I just went and hugged him. It wasn't like a regular hug it was more of a desperate one to feel the need of him closer. The warmth of his body close to mine felt so good and I instantly got butterflies erupting in the pit of my stomach. I have never felt this before but I think I know what it is.

I hate to say it but I think I really am falling for him...

I hope you liked it! ;) Lets see what happens next!

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