•Chapter 21•

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Abby POV

I followed behind Harry on our way to the mall and being alone gave me time to think. I keep saying in my head that I cant do this. That I wont let anything happen between us yet when I am with him everything in my mind goes blank. All that is in my mind with him is how he makes me. Honestly I have never felt like this towards anyone. I feel so new to this that I don't know how to deal with it.

I have always seen romance and love as a waste of time but now I am having my doubts. I always said that every relationship leads to heartbreak and it mostly does. Thats why I am scared. I know. Harry wont hurt me but I feel like I am just hurting myself. I don't let the good in me show because I am not even sure there is any. But then with Harry he makes me feel good. He makes me feel worth it.

When we get to the mall I just really want to study instead of talk about whatever is going on between us because I don't know what it is.

I followed them to a parking garage and there were two empty spaces so we parked next to each other. I turned my car off and got out with my bag and keys in hand. Both girls and Harry got out after me and we walked into the entrance.

"Ok well Im going to help Abby study and you two can do your shopping." Harry tells them once we are inside.

They both nod and right before they go Kate sends me a glare. What is her problem gosh.

"We can go to like the cafeteria." He says and I nod agreeing with him. He looks around and I realize he doesn't even know where it is.

"Its this way." I tell him grabbing his hand to lead him. I usually come here with Lucy and some other friends. I wouldn't be surprised if we found someone from school here because this is like the school hangout. If anyone saw me with Harry what would they think.

I really don't want people to know I need a tutor or that suspect that we are dating. If anyone even asks what would I say?

The smell of food hit my nose and I noticed our hands were still together and I didn't bother to remove mine. We found a table for two to sit at. We sat across each other and I reached into my bag pulling out my notes.

"Ok so tomorrow is the big test and honestly I am so scared." I tell him.

"Don't worry Abby, I am sure you will pass it." He reassures me making me feel better.

The next hour was spent on making sure I knew the material for the test and I had a good feeling that I would do good. Every time he would explain something to me he always furrows his eyebrows and gets so into it I have to admit its adorable.

We decided to get some food at one of the stands. I payed for my own but Harry insisted he would pay. I thanked him anyway at the nice gesture. Once we sat back at the table we started to eat our meal.

"I don't really know much about you Abby." Harry says while I eat.

"Theres not really much to know." I reply.

"I doubt that."

"Its true I am not interesting." I confess and he shakes his head.

"Whats your biggest goal right now?" He asks and I think about it.

"Honestly right now my biggest goal is to graduate."

"You will graduate Abby." He replies.

"I hope." He looks down and continues eating.

"How about you, whats your biggest goal right now?" I ask him back the same question and he furrows his eyebrows to think.

"Honestly I don't know." He replies.

"I told you mine and you have to tell me something other than I don't know." I respond and he nods.

"Ok fine let me think."

After a couple of seconds he looks back at me and replies, "To find happiness."

"You're not happy right now?"

"No I am but I mean like true happiness with someone," He says than pauses, "true happiness is found once you have truly loved."

"Didn't you find true happiness with Kate?" I ask him.

"That was different. It was just a school relationship thing. Now that we graduate we become adults and more independent and later on I hope to find true happiness." He responds and cant help but feel a bit happy because he just admitted he didn't find happiness with Kate.

"You know your answer makes mine sound stupid." I joke earning a chuckle from him.

"Its not stupid its just the truth." He replies.

"Yea I guess so." I say.

Harry gets up and takes our garbage to the bin and I quietly thank him. Before he gets back I notice Kate and Gemma coming towards our direction with shopping bags in their hands.

"Wow you guys went on a shopping spree. You know they have these stores in England right?" Harry says once they reach us.

"Yea well if you understand how girls are we just love to shop, right Abby?" Kate interjects looking towards me.

"Um sure." I have never really been such a girly girl but that doesn't mean Im like tomboy. Im more of an average girl.

"Ok well we should start heading home." Gemma says and Harry looks at my direction. I nod my head and get up from the seat and get my bag.

Harry POV

Even though we only spent an hour or so together every moment with her makes me happy. Just her presence is enough. Every time she would talk I would get a hint of her lips and just imagine kissing them. I have kissed several girls before but kissing her was so different and amazing. Just a simple kiss from her can make me go crazy.

Once we reached our cars I unlocked it allowing Gemma and Kate to put their stuff in the trunk and get in the car. I held onto Abby's hand from letting her leave just yet.

"So would you consider this a date?" I ask her and she looks at me confused.


"What do you consider a date to be?" I reply and she thinks for a second.

"A guy asking out a girl. You didn't ask me out properly." She responds.

"Ok then will you go on a date with me Abby Gilbert?" I ask her and her eyes soften.

Right away she leans in pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Yes Harry." She whispers in my ear and a smile forms on my face. She turns around to walk to her car but I grab her arm again pulling her to me and connecting our lips. She kisses back right away and her hands go around my neck pulling me closer. My hands find there way around her waist pressing her body to mine. Our lips move with each other and she pulls back first.

"Ill see you tomorrow." She says her hands still around me.

"Ok." I respond and lean in to connect our lips one more time before I let her leave.

She gets into her car and drives away and a stupid smile is pllastered on my face.

Im falling for her deep and fast...

Another update! Hope you like it because Harry finally asked her out ;)

Please vote and comment your thoughts and I promise I will give longer updates!!

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