•Chapter 23•

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Abby POV

Jealousy boiled in the pit of my stomach. Maybe its just a sign that what I am attempting to try will not go well. Maybe it was a sign to make me realize what I will most likely get myself into. The way Stella had her arms around Harry and he wasn't even doing anything. It made me mad. Mad at him and myself. Did i actually think this would work? He must have feelings for her. Except he doesn't know the real Stella. She is a back stabbing bitch that will go through anything to ruin someone or get what she wants.

I noticed how Harry looks at her as if she is a sweet girl. I guess thats a trait about him because it also happens with Kate. She always gives me those weird and jealous looks yet he doesn't see it. He is so oblivious to see people exactly who they are. Also with me. If he got to know who I am inside he would have never had interest. He would've stayed away from me. Yet its like he saw something good in me that I cant even find.

The first thing I did was find Lucy because she is always there for me and this is probably the first time I ask about boy advice. How pathetic of me.

"Woah Abby you look like you are about to burst." Lucy says once I approach her at the table.

"Because I am."

"What happened that got you to worked up?" She asks.

"Well I saw Stella and she was all over Harry and he wouldn't even move. I don't know why I am getting so worked up over something so stupid but it hurts." I reply as I take a sip of my water to calm me down.

"It hurts because you don't like the feeling of him with someone else." She replies.

"I mean. I guess but I just want it to stop. I don't even know who I am right now. The real me wouldn't give a shit."

"The old you. Abby you are changing and quickly let me say." She responds and I bite my lip.

"Stop saying that."

"But its true!"

"I know." I sigh.

"Maybe you should just talk to him about what you saw. I am sure he has a good explanation." She says then takes a bite out of her lunch.

"Like a normal person would do in a situation like this." She adds.

"I guess."

"Look he is over there, it looks like he is looking for someone." She says pointing behind me.

As I turn around I notice him standing near the doors and his head is wandering around. I pray he is looking for me. My eyes stay on him admiring him. That is cut off however when his eyes find mine making a smile form on his face. He nudges his head towards the door wanting me to come with him. I look back at Lucy and notice how she gives me a smile.

"Go." She says and I give her a are you sure expression. Its her birthday and I don't want to leave her alone.

"Go Abby." She says once more before I turn around and see Harry hasn't moved yet. I get up slowly and make my way over to him. Once I reach him I exit through the doors with him following. Once we make it outside with no one in sight he pulls me by the hand making me closer to him.

"I need to talk to you." I say looking into his eyes.

"About what?" He replies.

"I saw you with Stella and," I start but I feel his lips press against mine making me surprised. He pulls back to talk.

"She was all over me saying things like I miss you and I got uncomfortable and got her off of me." He replies and a sigh of relief comes out my mouth.

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