Stay strong

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We have all had our bad days, our days when everything just feels too much to handle anymore. Days where you feel like giving up. To some of us those days are often and you don't know how to handle it anymore.

You feel like running away because everything gets too much. But those are the days where God steps in and lifts us up again. He brushes you off and says 'hey , it's ok . I'm here and we'll get through this together .'

But it's not always that easy... when life has given you a big knock and you feel your down and at the lowest of the lowest . Be it family problems , health or financial ...we all felt like this at some point. And when your at your lowest you start thinking

Thinking that 'how did I end up here ? Where is God when I need Him the most ? Why didn't God prevent this from happening ?' All these questions ran through all our heads at some point and I'm not ashamed to admit I thought that too even once or twice .

But that's exactly where God steps in . For "God is close to the brokenhearted"
(Psalm 34:18)

So if your going through a tough time right now , be it what it may. Just stay strong and hold your faith in God . And I know it easier said than done because you think no-one knows how you feel or what your going through. But God will never let you go through something you won't learn or benefit from at the end . I know it sounds hard to sometimes to keep your faith strong when it gets hard but God knows exactly what your going through and how your feeling and His there with you every step of the way.

Play the video at the top if you just need that extra encouragement today it's called Even if from Mercy me.

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