VOTD 28 Dec 2019

17 6 1

2 Kings 17 is a mouthful with so much interesting points. If you'd like all my notes on it private message me and I can send it to you. But the part I want to talk about today is more specifically; verses 6 to 23 .

"And vast as the outward wickedness of the world is , the SECRET SINS , EVIL THOUGHTS, DESIRES and PURPOSE of mankind are much greater." We may think we're doing something in secret , that no one knows about it and that we can't be caught we're forgetting that there's ALWAYS someone who sees EVERYTHING . When you think you're sinning in secret, You're not. Cause God sees you. And he sees me. This passage personally spoke to me today since for a few years now I've been struggling of letting go of secret sins and thoughts. But by God's grace I'm taking it one day at a time and slowly working through letting go of what is unpure and unhealthy in my life. Spending time with Him and talking to Him when desires and thoughts try to take over helps a lot.

Without turning from EVERY evil way and keeping GOD'S statutes there can be no TRUE godliness; but it must spring from BELIEF of his testimony,  as to wrath against all ungodliness and unrighteousness , and his MERCY in Christ Jesus. We can't let go of our wordly temptations and desires without Him. We just can't.

If you want to read further it says that sometimes the FEAR of what God is capable of can lead us to submit in a false and fake way just to not face the consequences if we don't. But that only creates a form of unworthy thoughts of God expecting to please him by outward forms and we'll vainly try to reconcile his service with the love of the WORLD and indulge in their lusts.

Look , you can't 'gain' or 'win over ' God by WORLDLY means and doing worldly things. The only way is WITH God and THROUGH God.

I can go on but I'll leave this here. Message me if you want the rest. I pray that this opened your eyes just as it opened my eyes to my secret sins and thoughts.

I love you all and together we'll get through this ❤❤❤

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