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Forgiveness .
It's possibly the hardest thing to do .

It's easier to say ' yeah I forgive you ' but applying  it is a whole different story .

Maybe this person was mean to you,  called you names , bullied you , lied to you , broke your trust , physically hurt you, beat you,  broke your heart , did anything that could cause you to hurt , to be sad , to feel lost .

Forgiving them is not the first thing that comes to mind if you're being honest. 

Infact retaliating is probably the first thing that comes to mind . The need to make them feel what you're feeling . To get,  them back .

If we're being honest, that's what you think of in the moment . I'll admit it , I thought it . Forgiveness isn't always the first thing that comes to mind .

But God says , FORGIVE one another as God in Christ forgave you. ( Eph 4:32) 

If we can't forgive those who have wronged us , how do we expect God to forgive us for wronging Him ?

Now you might say , yeah but it hurt . What they did wasn't right , they should pay for what they did , someone has to do it .

Rightfully so , but that's not your job to do. You can't expect yourself to right their wrong or hold them accountable to it .

Your job is to forgive them , to speak them free , bless them . Let God deal with them . All you have to do is forgive . Easy enough? 

Now , I've been hurt plently of times , by a lot of people.  They caused me much pain . And it took me a while to forgive them . But I did.  I forgave them for what they have done to me. How they made me feel . And I spoke them free . I asked God to bless them and help them with whatever they may be dealing with . I asked God to work in their heart,  to lead them to Him .

Am I crazy for blessing those who caused me such sorrow and pain , who kept me up at night,  made me bawl my eyes out before the Lord and my parents?  Probably . But do I care?  Not one bit . Because thats , what God expects of me . Tells me to do . Forgive .

Now , I don't know what any of you might be going through,  if you're hurting or if this message is ment for someone .

But I'm here tonight to tell you,  you have to forgive .

You have to forgive those who have hurt you . Forgive them and put it in the past . You can't keep holding on to things you can't change . What's done is done , it's time to move on .

This pain you're feeling , the sorrow , the hurt they caused is holding you back in life , because you haven't forgiven them yet.

Do it now , today .

Forgive them as God forgave you and Bless them on their journey that , they will find God and find themselves in the Lord. 

I really hope this encouraged someone and helped someone who needed it.  I didn't really plan to write tonight,  it just came to me to address this . May God bless you and keep you . My DM is always open to anyone who needs it . ❤❤

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