How you meet him

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Jim -

You anxiously tapped your foot on the cold floor, waiting to be interviewed. It was a job interview but the fact that every one that passed you had a weapon on their belt made you grow anxious. Of course, you had nothing to hide. No illegal activities you had done throughout your life. None at all, you were just trying to find a job in for the inspection. Your doctor title on your diploma was what you were most certain that will get you this job.

"Ms.(L/N)?" The voice lead you to look at a man with a huge amount of facial hair. He wore glasses as his sleeves were up to his elbows. By the way he looked, it seemed as if he hadn't have proper sleep in a while.

"My names Harvey Bullock. Unfortunately, Sarah Essen is occupied with some scumbags who broke a set of rules. The good thing is, me and my partner, Detective Jimbo over there," his fingers pointed to a man who spoke on the phone, very well concentrated. "will interview you."

By now, you sat on a chair in front of the two. You felt somewhat self-conscious. Your shyness piling on you as the first question slipped out of Harvey's mouth.

"What makes you want this position?" The paper was on his lap, his eyes roaming through the other questions. Your eyes looked up, starring into Jimbo's eyes.

"Well, I know for a fact that I work well with dead bodies. Always lifts up the spirits." Oh god. You thought. This is definitely not a good time for ghost jokes.

Jim smiled at the small joke you cracked as for Harvey who let out a small chuckle. You cleared your throat, ready to give an actual legitimated answer.

"I-I mean, my parents worked in a morgue for their whole lives, been in the family for generations, been taught mostly everything as a young teenager." They both nodded, Harvey opening his mouth once again to ask the second question until his partner had interrupted.

"Why not stay in the family morgue?" His eyebrows furrowed a bit. You felt the tension, he was cop-ing you, somewhat interrogating you. Well, it was somewhat like an 'interrogation'.

"My mother died when I was 15 due to Leukemia. My father died of old age just four years ago. My older brother, Francis, had sold the place. Ever since, I never spoke to him again." The thought about your brother slowly riled you up.

"Sorry to hear that." Jim said as he cleared his throat, moving again in the uncomfortable metal chair.

"Just the last question, you are capable of working any time, right?" Harvey and you kept eye contact as you answered.

"Always, my social life has never been booming. As for my personal, I don't travel." You looked over to Jim who stared at you, not in a harsh way but in a soft way.

You weren't a psychic but you for sure felt like you would just grow the best friendship with this pair.

Edward -

The books were much more weight than you could carry. People you passed by looked at you, afraid that you could break yourself. Standing at just 4'11", you were a mathematician, a professor at a local University in Gotham. Despite your young age, you had the brains and a strong will which was what got you your position as 'professor'.

You kept walking down the library, trying to find the right subject. Your pace speeded up a bit, causing you to bump into a tall figure. At last, you couldn't bare with the weight and let them all fall, hitting the floor making a distracting sound.

Not only were you a professor but, you were also a klutz.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you." You immediately crouched down, picking up all the encyclopedias. The man in front of you crouched down as well, helping you.

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