He asks you out

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Jim -

His nervousness grew just by looking at you. The moist in his palms begin in his dress pants. It was almost 10 PM, mostly everyone was home or heading home now, you still haven't. 

Even Edward went home. Jim started to walk his way over to the Medical Examiners office, ready to just get over with it.

-- The knock echoed in the silent room making you kind of nervous since it was already late. You stayed in your seat until the door was open, revealing Jim. A sighed escaped your lips knowing it was one of your coworkers.

Your smile caused a smile on the guy's face, your beauty was undeniable and Jim just couldn't let this opportunity slide.

"So, how much are you enjoying work?" He started off, clearly not the subject he wanted to discuss.

"Oh, it's great. Very interesting. There's more new things everyday." The smile on her face never leaving as she took her hands out of her white coat.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it here." Jim smiled, her happy energy getting to him. It was impossible to not fall for the woman that stood in front of him. Her hair was a beautiful color, a lively one, not only was that beautiful but her way of being.

Jim knew your personality was a bit rubbish with your jokes about the dead, it almost felt like if you were another Nygma but he still felt drawn in. Drawn in by your silly jokes and kindness. He especially loved your shyness, it was adorable.

"Would you like to go out and have
d-dinner this weekend?" He scratched the back of his neck, feeling awkward by asking you out as a body stood just feet from him.

After the question left his luscious mouth, you giggled. The thought about the tough guy being weirded out about a dead body and asking you out just cracking you up. It was hilarious, no doubt.

"I would love that, Jimbo." You laughed more at the nickname 'Jimbo'. Jim chuckled at the laugh that filled up the silent and cold room. The laughing died down, both of you starring at each other. Oh, what a beautiful night it was for dear Jimbo.

Edward -

The test papers scrambled all over on the desk, you were unhappy with all the scores. You dedicated your time to teaching these brats and they all repaid you with D's and C's. Your coffee helped warm you up, it was late at night and freezing.

A knock was heard, it was a rhythmic knock. It was Edward. The door was pushed open to reveal a smiling Edward, his smile warming you up much more. What a ray of evil sunshine!

"You look quite stressed, how about some dinner?" The boldness shocking you, it was sudden even for a shy guy like him.

You smiled, forgetting about the tests and nodding. As you stood up and stretched your legs, that were in jeans, you also managed to grab your coat. Edward extended his arm towards you, signaling to grab his hand which you did.

Both of you walked out of the small office, hand in hand, giggling to yourselves like a bunch of teenagers. Slowly, your guys relationship was going to turn into a beautiful insane story.

Penguin -

The man with the limp had already asked you out, you obviously agreed. Both of you were fond of each other, Oswald definitely was never tired of your guys meetings. Telling Butch every detail, every detail about the food, about the exchange of words and every detail about you.

Your scent sent his heart on overdrive, the interaction between the two was strong. Of course, every beautiful thing has quite a few flaws, yours were your temper. Oh no, whoever would make you mad would definitely be sorry. Not only was your temper bad but you lacked empathy. A lot of empathy. But with the penguin, he seemed to bring the best of you out to the light.

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