He hears you curse out of rage

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He hears you curse out of rage

Jimbo -

"Oh, what in the actual fuck!" You yelled, feeling the warm coffee pierce through your clothes and onto your delicate skin. Jim looked up, surprised by the outburst. He never really heard any profanities leave your pretty mouth but he would be lying if he said it didn't turn him on just a bit. His eyes were on you, then to your dirty shirt.

"Does it burn?" You couldn't help but to give a look, it was a bad morning for you and you weren't ready to take anybody's shit. "No, it feels so damn smooth." The sarcasm dripped just like the coffee did. Jim only smirked, standing up and walking toward an angry little ol' you.

Would he like it?
~ I feel like he would but like, in private.

- ohhhh steam-

Edward -

It was late, you were working in the small room you called your office. The clock showed you numbers you didn't want to see. The tests your students took showed you numbers you didn't want to see. But you had to, it was your job. Edward had been busy with work and so, he wasn't really available to visit you as often as he did. You craved it though, you craved his visits and his puns, you craved the two Ed's communicating with you.

"For fucks sake, these idiots won't go anywhere with the type of brains they have." You snarled while writing a forty-nine percent on the top right corner. Your childish self couldn't help but draw a '>:(' on their paper which caused you to giggle to yourself. "Ah god, I'm going fucking crazy."

"Never heard you use that type of language, darling." The voice startled you, making you rise from your chair in panic. Right there by the door frame stood your boyfriend. A huge sinful smile plastered on his face. You let out a huge sigh, seeing that it wasn't any other psycho.

Would he like it?
~ I feel like it would depend on the situation, but yes.

Penguin -

"Lick my maggot filled anus." You said to the douche that had been eyeing Oz while he walked. It was clear he found Oz's waddling funny, he snickered quietly to himself once he saw him enter the building and it pissed you off all the way to the moon. Oswald looked at you, a surprised expression on his face. He never heard you use hateful words before so it was pretty new to him.

"I know you heard me, asswipe." The guy turned around to see your serious face, only to roll his eyes. Oz quickly caught up on the small feud, it was obvious he was gonna call his goons to take care of him. He didn't like it when things bothered you, when things bothered you, he would simply get rid of them. Oz sensed the guy in front bothered you so he'd simply had to get rid of him.

Would he like it?
~ I honestly think he wouldn't.

Jerome -

Oh please, you both would curse like professional sailors. There wasn't any discomfort in expressing each other with colourful words.

- "I swear to god, if you mess up my hair again, then I'll shove my fist so far up your ass!" You screeched at Jerome who laughed as he pushed you away. Your fist only hit the air, missing his normal face. It got calmed for the first few minutes until Jerome 'honked' your hair bun. That's when you lost it. You were capable of pushing him down, face down and ass up. A laugh escapes your lips while you balled a fist and punched between his asscheeks, not hearing your boyfriends protests. -

Would he like it?
~ Ummmmmmmmmmm, yea.

Bruce -

"You motherfucker!" Once again, you were playing your favourite online shooter game with a group of friends. Bruce was there to hear your screams and rages. He honestly thought it was adorable to see how upset you'd get over a task you couldn't complete. The kid wasn't much fan of the swearing but he got used to it.

"Language." He sighed, looking through the book, trying to finish his homework like a good student. Unlike you, who prefers to leave it all to the end. You mumbled a small 'sorry', causing a smile to erupt on his face. He couldn't help but smile at everything you did, he just adored you so much.

Would he like it?
~ I feel as if he wouldn't care when it would be between your guys conversation but if it was with others then he would get a little alarmed.

Victor -

"First of all, bitch." Victor rolled his eyes, seeing you get offended by someone's post on the internet. You cursing was normal to hear around the household, you grew up with filthy mouthed parents so you became one as well. Victor would sometimes join in when it was a target you'd be acting bitchy to.

"Love, just scroll pass it, their ignorant and you know it. Just scroll." He pleaded, you sighed but nodded, scrolling past the post and finding something else that was worth your time.

Would he like it?
~ Feel as if he wouldn't care at all.


Aw, I posted, finally. Anyways, really glad to see more votes and reads, really warms my dead heart. So sorry for the small hiatus, I've been having a hard time in my own personal life but I'm trying to fall back on track.

Please send requests, I would really love to fulfil your fantasies. Have a good day!

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