He kisses you (first)

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Jim -

Your guys shared your first kiss while spending each other's lunch together. Clouds in the sky but sun still shining enough to make it a beautiful day. His lips were against yours, both moving in a slow pace. The blush on your cheeks were really noticeable, your head against the detectives chest as you both stood close to each other.


The stubborn cop was stubborn, his lips weren't. They were soft against yours, feeling like a cloud. What kind of threw you off was the taste of caramel, making you crave for more. Overall, it was a gentle and innocent kiss that was shared between the two.

Edward -

Edward had accidentally given you a soft but passionate kiss that time when you had visited him to work. It was somewhat awkward due to the dead body laying there as you and Edward exchanged affectionate compliments and kisses.


Gosh, how could you describe this delightful kiss. The dominant side had taken over Ed, his lips were soft and plump but moved roughly against yours. It gave you a thrilling feeling, the teenager vibe came back once again.

Penguin -

You lunged at him, knocking his breath out as you sat close, your lips locking into his. This took Oswald by surprise but it pleased him. He could taste the strawberries you guys had shared for lunch.


Oz's lips were soft and warm, probably because of the soup he had. The kiss was gentle and delicate, his lips against yours moving in a flow that only you both could follow. His lips accidentally bumping into your tongue, catching a taste of the soup.

Jerome -

The maniac had stolen your first kiss while playing a game of cards. Of course, you were winning. Jerome always had let you win ever since you became his 'queen'. He pulled you closer to him, falling to your knees. You were between his legs, his hand still gripping your jaw tightly which excited you.


They teased you at first, giving Eskimo kisses until he smashed his plump pink lips to yours. It was rough but delicate in a way. Both of your lips were somewhat wet, both of your saliva's bounding into one during the rough kiss. It even seemed more as kissing, it was more like a make out session.

Bruce -

He nervously held your jaw in his hands, his eyes starring into your loving eyes.

Bruce leaned in forward, his lips delicately touching yours. His plump lips connected with your pink and full ones, a smile took over his face, seeing how much you enjoyed it by not wanting to pull away.

His soft lips touched yours again slightly after kissing, making you somewhat groan at the lose of the contact. The smile never seem to go away on neither of you, both cuddles up with each other once again.

Victor -

He anxiously looked around, both of you walked in the dark through the streets of Gotham. You both had agreed that your late night hits were also count as a date meaning this would of been the 4th one.

Victor couldn't take it anymore causing him to push you to a wall were he placed his cold lips on yours. They slowly started moving, very slow but you enjoyed it. You followed his pace, giggling in the kiss seeing how his tension faltered away just by the kiss.


Well this was rushed and made in 20 mins, I'm definitely am going to be editing this one

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