He wants to name the child

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He wants to name the child

Jim -


"I like Judith, why not Judith?" You asked while balancing the plate on your round belly. Jim shook his head no, not wanting that name. He wanted something meaningful, something adorable that'll bring a smile to his face. It was the weekend and both of you cuddled up in the couch of your shared beauty of apartment.

"How about Jaime, kind of sounds like James, right?" Jim looked at you, snickering a bit at the image. You all comfy with a plate filled with chicken and salad well placed on your daughters temporary cave. He couldn't help but think 'this is the woman I love, the woman who will soon birth our daughter, the woman who uses her pregnancy belly as a table'.

"I love you." You stopped munching on your salad to look at him. Jim gave you a concerned look, thinking that your water had broke. Your water did break but not that type. Out of nowhere, you let out a cry. Tears ran down your perfect face while Jim watched. His arm was already around you so he didn't exactly know what else to do. "I l-love you, too! And yes, I like the n-name Jaime." You said, still wailing a bit while Jim kissed your salty wet cheeks.

Edward -

〜Twin boys〜

"I like Dominic and Roger." Edward shook his head,
starring at your stomach. The boys have been going non-stop in there but Ed loves to watch. He wanted to be part of it all, he didn't want to miss anything at all. You frowned but still searched for another name in the baby book. It was impossible to find a name that would please Edward.

"What about Everett and Emit?" He spoke up, seeing as you got comfortable once again in the bed, the baby name book on one hand and the covers on the other. Edward saw how a small smile crawled to your glorious face. You shook your head up and down, liking those names.

"So, mommy's gonna be left out of the E trio."

Penguin -


"Denise? It's a cute name, y'know?" You mumbled as you flipped the pages of the huge book you've bought at a baby store. Oz wanted to make you happy but Denise? Really?

"Hell no." He cackled, waddling over to the bar to poor himself a drink. The name lingered in his head, he's been wanting to share his thoughts for a while now but he was too insecure, too shy for the rejection. But, it was now or never. "How about Raven?"

Your eyes wandered to him, your glasses on the point of slipping off your nose. It was his first request in a name and to be completely honest, you loved the idea of the name. A smile took over your tired face, glad to hear a name you both could agree on. "I love it."

Jerome -


Oh please, it was obvious that the baby was going to be named Jerome Jr Valeska.

Bruce -

*again, he is an adult-y*


"Oh come on, Andrews? Really? That name for an upcoming Wayne?" Alfred scoffed as he scrubbed on the dish. It was just both of you in the kitchen, talking about baby names. Well, mostly Alfred, you were too busy stuffing your face in a chocolate cheesecake. "Hey, I was just suggesting." You snickered, sticking another spoonful into your mouth.

"Why not Rory? It has a good meaning and I like the sound of Rory Wayne." Bruce interrupted catching you off guard. "Jesus, Bruce."

"Well, it does have a nice ring to it. Do as you wish." Alfred said, wiping his hand on a white rag. He nodded at both of us and headed for the door, giving you guys your privacy. Bruce walked closer to you, his cheeky smile warming you up inside.

"So, what do you say?" His hand reached yours, pulling it toward his lips. His soft kiss grazed your knuckles making you slip out a giggle. "Rory Wayne it is."

Victor -

"We are not naming our child after your favourite pistol, Victor." He groaned at hearing that but backed off after seeing you clench the chair you were currently sitting on. Victor had been wanting to name the child after different weapons which always ended with you throwing threats.

"But just listen. Please." He went on his knees in front of you, his hands together hoping for you to listen to him for just a second. You rolled your eyes but waved your hand, letting him continue. "Go on."

"Barry Zsasz, doesn't it have a cute ring to it?" You thought for a second, as much as you wanted to hate it you just couldn't. It was cute, and you liked it. "I-I actually do like that one."

He smiled, looking up. "Finally."


I haven't posted in a while and I hope this is acceptable

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